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value is changed continously SiemensS7 Divice
value is changed continously in same ip address.. plz have a look attached video..
Hi, are you sure that is not a problem of some change that you have made? I tested again and for me is working :\
value is changed continously in same address tags all tags value same type different
is a little confusing...in the last comment the value aren't change continuously, the tags are mapped with the address...please can you me explain in which case you need to show the same value in different types?
when we set address same and type different then value should be come different but here we got same value for both type
Sorry, but I can't help you, your description is too generic and I don't know where I have to look. it is possible that the problem is in your simulator or in the communication library node-snap7. I suggest you to try with a real siemens plc or try another application that uses the node-snap7 library like node-red so that we can restrict the search.
I assume the issue has been resolved in the meanwhile. I'm therefore going to close this issue.