Fran Glais

Results 64 comments of Fran Glais

Thanks a lot for the reports. Could someone provide a fresh log together witht he exact version number (or git commit)? Cheers!

You'll need git and make if you don't have them (`sudo apt install make git`). Then: ``` git clone cd no-titile-bar make && make install ``` Then restart the...

Thanks a lot for the suggestion! Do you know any such extension?

Thanks for the report, and the code suggestion! I'll try to include this as soon as I can... Cheers

Added in [42f8d823cce8d7a20a6db7239b35d4f0ae9c4a21]. To do: Currently we can't add to the list applications that are not installed system-wide.

@woohooatb Ah, I see! hmm, I will look into it. I actually didn't apply the black/whitelist to the buttons module (silly me). I will spin this problem into a new...

Thanks for opening this issue! I'll keep this in mind to add an option. PRs welcome!

@anupam207 The "autohide" option is so that the buttons are hidden en the top bar, until you hover over them with the mouse. So, it might help with what you...

Thanks a lot for reporting this! Unfortunately, I don't have 3 monitors, so it's difficult for me to test. Could I ask you to: 1. Provide a screenshot of the...

En effet, un peu laid ! I was always bothered by this, sorry I couldn't dedicate more time for polishing. Patches welcome of course, to anyone willing to improve the...