nappgui_src icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nappgui_src copied to clipboard

Applications not sized correctly Ubuntu 18.04.

Open g8kig opened this issue 2 years ago • 11 comments

For example the hello demo app only displays the title bar. Build from source is successful. I am surprised the application can not be resized/maximised either. Otherwise nice job Screenshot from 2022-04-10 18 57 11 Screenshot from 2022-04-10 18 57 50 !

g8kig avatar Apr 10 '22 17:04 g8kig

Hi @g8kig! Thank you very much for your feedback and for your time. These tests help me improve the software.

I am testing the demos on Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS and the windows size correctly. Neither HelloCpp nor Products allow resizing the window (fixed size). You can try Die or Bode which do allow it. I have tried different themes through gnome-tweeks (Ambiance, Adwaita, HighContrast), all of them correct.

In order to be able to reproduce your case, please I would ask you to:

  • Exact version of the operating system.
  • GTK+3 version (pkg-config --modversion gtk+-3.0)
  • Desktop theme
  • Application binaries (compiled on your machine).
  • Any additional information that may be relevant to the tests.

Screenshot from 2022-04-11 20-19-58

Screenshot from 2022-04-11 20-33-11

Screenshot from 2022-04-11 20-34-27

Screenshot from 2022-04-11 20-35-05

Screenshot from 2022-04-11 20-42-51

frang75 avatar Apr 11 '22 18:04 frang75

Exact version of the operating system.

Manjaro Linux (rolling release: latest) Elementary OS 5.1.7 Hera

GTK+3 version (pkg-config --modversion gtk+-3.0)

Manjaro: 3.24.33 Elementary: 3.22.30

Desktop theme

The default Manjaro/Elementary one.

Application binaries (Manjaro)

Other information: I wish I knew more about GTK3 programming!

g8kig avatar Apr 12 '22 16:04 g8kig

Testing in latest Manjaro (Gnome), window sizing work fine.

Manjaro_00 Manjaro_01

frang75 avatar Apr 18 '22 09:04 frang75

Maybe it has something to do with HiDPI?

ragsaq avatar Apr 18 '22 16:04 ragsaq

Sorry closed in error. No I am not using HiDpi my display is 1280x800. I will retest on a HD monitor,

g8kig avatar Apr 19 '22 12:04 g8kig

This is an absolutely terrible hack but it works around the problem for now gtk3 oswindow.c line 733

    gtk_widget_set_size_request(window->control.widget, (gint)width + 155, (gint)height + 190);


g8kig avatar Apr 21 '22 19:04 g8kig

I also encountered this problem, Archlinux Latest, GTK 3.24.34, WhiteSur Theme System scaling 100%, resolution 1920*1080, refresh rate 120hz Using Demo form there:

Great software!

Tim-Paik avatar Jun 08 '22 06:06 Tim-Paik

I also get this in Ubuntu 22.04 simply following the instructions in the readme to build all the examples.

in my case, I'm using the images that comes with lxd:

just run this, if you have lxd/lxc installed:

lxc launch images:ubuntu/22.04/desktop ubuntu --vm --console=vga

and GCC 12

ragsaq avatar Jun 28 '22 18:06 ragsaq

Thanks for the feedback. This weekend I'll try to reproduce the error.

frang75 avatar Jun 29 '22 08:06 frang75

Hi @ragsaq ! It seems I have problems to execute lxc

At the moment, I don't have any "native" Linux machine. Have them all in VirtualBox. Can you share a VirtualBox image where this problem appears? I have tried to install ArchLinux in VirtualBox, but the process is a bit tricky.

fran@fran-VirtualBox:~$ lxc launch images:ubuntu/22.04/desktop ubuntu --vm --console=vga
If this is your first time running LXD on this machine, you should also run: lxd init

Creating ubuntu
Error: Failed instance creation: No storage pool found. Please create a new storage pool
fran@fran-VirtualBox:~$ lxd init
Would you like to use LXD clustering? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Do you want to configure a new storage pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Name of the new storage pool [default=default]: 
Name of the storage backend to use (dir, lvm, zfs, ceph, btrfs) [default=zfs]: 
Create a new ZFS pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Would you like to use an existing empty block device (e.g. a disk or partition)? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Size in GB of the new loop device (1GB minimum) [default=9GB]: 20
Would you like to connect to a MAAS server? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Would you like to create a new local network bridge? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
What should the new bridge be called? [default=lxdbr0]: 
What IPv4 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: 
What IPv6 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: 
Would you like the LXD server to be available over the network? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Would you like stale cached images to be updated automatically? (yes/no) [default=yes] 
Would you like a YAML "lxd init" preseed to be printed? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
fran@fran-VirtualBox:~$ lxc launch images:ubuntu/22.04/desktop ubuntu --vm --console=vga
Creating ubuntu
Error: Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Instance type "virtual-machine" is not supported on this server

frang75 avatar Jul 02 '22 16:07 frang75


I think that is because probably you need to enable nested virtualization in virtual box:

lxc uses the hypervisor too, so you can't mix lxc with virtualBox on the same OS.

Having said that, I think you can try and install a VM in virtualBox of Ubuntu 22.04, since what lxc does is use a clean image that's already made.

ragsaq avatar Jul 03 '22 15:07 ragsaq

Hi all! Sorry for the delay, but it has been very difficult for me to reproduce the error. In the end, I was able to reproduce it on Ubuntu 22. It seems like a very strange behavior of the latest versions of GTK. If you launch the same app from VSCode's built-in terminal, then it works fine. The fact is that I always debugged from this tool and it always worked fine.

I have opened an issue in the GTK GitLab.

Any news, I will comment on this thread. Regards

frang75 avatar Sep 15 '22 16:09 frang75

Finally I found the solution. In the lastest versions of GTK/Gnome/Ubuntu the enviroment variable GDK_BACKEND=x11 have to be defined. If not, NAppGUI windows are not sized correctly.


But, if you export GDK_BACKEND=x11 before running the application, it works fine


In next days I will updoad a patch for setting this environment variable inside a NAppGUI application. putenv("GDK_BACKEND=x11");

frang75 avatar Sep 15 '22 20:09 frang75

Finally I found the solution. In the lastest versions of GTK/Gnome/Ubuntu the enviroment variable GDK_BACKEND=x11 have to be defined. If not, NAppGUI windows are not sized correctly.


But, if you export GDK_BACKEND=x11 before running the application, it works fine


In next days I will updoad a patch for setting this environment variable inside a NAppGUI application. putenv("GDK_BACKEND=x11");

I think setting GDK_BACKEND to x11 is definitely a wrong and unwise action, it will break wayland compatibility and lead to using xwayland compatible layer in wayland session, which will not only lead to graphics performance and security degradation, but also make the APP unavailable in pure wayland session.

I think this bug is caused by the different scaling methods of wayland and x11, because wayland supports fractional scaling while x11 does not, and there are many differences in the implementation of these two, which need to be adapted separately.

Tim-Paik avatar Sep 16 '22 04:09 Tim-Paik

Thanks for the comment @Tim-Paik. Until now, I was unaware of the existence of wayland. I'm going to investigate to see how to adapt NAppGUI to both backends (x11, wayland)

frang75 avatar Sep 16 '22 05:09 frang75

Thanks for the comment @Tim-Paik. Until now, I was unaware of the existence of wayland. I'm going to investigate to see how to adapt NAppGUI to both backends (x11, wayland)

Thanks for the development, it will be a great work! Yes, wayland is still new, but the entire linux desktop ecosystem is already migrating to wayland.

Thanks again for your work.

Tim-Paik avatar Sep 16 '22 13:09 Tim-Paik

So I have checked and Visual Studio Code sets the environment variable GDK_BACKEND=x11 which is why you did not see the problem. It seems that lots of other applications also require it to be set with Wayland. Therefore, I think the fix of setting the environment variable NAppGui is a perfectly reasonable work around pending the development of a Wayland port of NAppGui.

g8kig avatar Sep 25 '22 16:09 g8kig

Hi! I have opened a new issue to investigate the problem.

After spending several hours on this case, I still can't determine if it's really a NAppGUI issue or a Wayland issue. I would need to create a small "pure" GTK3 application that shows this problem. At the moment, I have uploaded a patch that forces the backend to X11. At least it ensures that the applications work properly until this case is resolved.

Thank you all very much for your feedback.

frang75 avatar Sep 27 '22 16:09 frang75

Works correctly now in the listed environments, thanks!

g8kig avatar Sep 28 '22 19:09 g8kig