François Travais
François Travais
The messages size is usually around 4KB
``` $ sudo vernemq config effective allow_anonymous = off allow_multiple_sessions = off allow_publish_during_netsplit = on allow_register_during_netsplit = on allow_subscribe_during_netsplit = on allow_unsubscribe_during_netsplit = on coordinate_registrations = on crl_refresh_interval = 60000...
``` $ vernemq attach Last login: Tue May 19 09:53:54 UTC 2020 on pts/0 Remote Shell: Use "Ctrl-G q" to quit. q() or init:stop() will terminate the vernemq node. Erlang/OTP...
``` 1> ets:i(). id name type size mem owner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ac_tab ac_tab set 261 17457 application_controller clique_commands clique_commands set 27 5799 clique_manager clique_config clique_config set 37 2413 clique_manager clique_formatter clique_formatter...
As I said, right now everything is fine. Do you mean it's expected that VerneMQ requires more than 16GB to handle one full queue with 8Million messages? How can I...
It happened again last night, I started it again a few minutes ago: ``` 1> erlang:memory(). [{total,1466759616}, {processes,7422768}, {processes_used,7420392}, {system,1459336848}, {atom,463465}, {atom_used,453879}, {binary,414474616}, {code,7755906}, {ets,1028566304}] 2> ets:i(). id name type...
I managed to see the amount of online and offline messages, the total is around 9 Million messages. So it seems that VerneMQ cannot handle more than 9 Million of...
@ppatierno Do you plan on doing something about this one in a near future?
I would also need this one. Is there any plan to do something about it?