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everforest-jetbrains copied to clipboard

🌲 Everforest theme for JetBrains

Everforest JetBrains theme

Build Status

The goal of this project is to provide pixel to pixel copy of sainnhe/everforest theme for JetBrains based IDEs with sane build system (without Java).


Current status

Only a few languages are supported. Expect broken syntax highlighting if you don't use language from the list below.

  • C
  • C++
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • XML
  • Bash
  • Markdown
  • Python
  • YAML
  • JavaScript


From sources

Install dependencies:

  • POSIX shell
  • GNU Make
  • zip

All above is most likely already included in base of your Linux distribution.

To build the theme, just run:

make release

Go to Plugins and locate the everforest.jar file.

Contribution guide

All colors should match to how it looks in neovim with Everforest theme selected and treesitter enabled. There are example files for each language in examples folder.

If unsure on what color to use for elements not present in vim, you can take a look at Color Pallete and Highlighting Semantics.

Adding a new language

The goal is to have <language>.xml file inside src/includes folder in the following format:

<!-- Braces -->
<option name="PHP_BRACES">
    <option name="FOREGROUND" value="<%= ${fg} %>"/>
<!-- Brackets -->
<option name="PHP_BRACKETS">
    <option name="FOREGROUND" value="<%= ${fg} %>"/>

<!-- Class -->
<option name="PHP_CLASS">
    <option name="FOREGROUND" value="<%= ${yellow} %>"/>

Where the CAPITALIZED comments correspond to foldable categories. Make sure to have <options> in the same order as they are in the IDE setting window. Leave "Inherit values from" unticked to prevent random breakage of colors when changing the parent colors.
