obsidian-list-modified icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-list-modified copied to clipboard

🪨 A simple obsidian plugin that links all modified files meeting certain criteria to a daily note

Obsidian List Modified

This plugin links all modified files meeting certain criteria to a daily/weekly/monthly note. This provides an accurate log/archive of files modified during specific time periods.

List Modified outputs logs as standard text rather than dynamic queries, ensuring their persistence. Similarly, OLM does not rely on the system's file modification times, as they can be inaccurate when files are moved or when using sync services.

Here's a little example...

With these settings:

example settings for a plugin demo

You can expect this!

demo of plugin that shows working modification logic

Usage & Config

Please read the wiki.


Read the CONTRIBUTING.md file for build and dev instructions.


If OLM has helped you in any way, and you would like to fund future development, feel free to support me on Ko-fi! All donations are appreciated :)


Similar Plugins

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This plugin should not do any harm, but you should always back up your notes just in case! I am not responsible for any damage done as a result of this plugin.