FabScan100 copied to clipboard
FabScan100 not working on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
I tried to start FabScan100 SW, every version from FabScan100.4 to FabScan100.9, and on OS X 10.9 it´s not starting. Without error message. Could someone please upgrade FabScan100 software? We need it for our fablab to scan small objects.
I have the same problem. Is anyone working on a solution?
I have also the same problem. I am very sad that I cannot use my just finished scanner.
there are many updates that come with XCode 5 (e.g. LLVM 5.0) and many open source libraries have problems with those changes. We are currently using 10.8.5 and are trying to solve the problems there... this might result in a new version that is compatible with 10.9, but we can't promise anything. We will upgrade to Mavericks with release 10.9.1 - but if anybody with Mavericks wants to build the sources, please do it!
I changed the qmake project file... mac os x 10.9 sdk is now supported, but the code won't compile yet. Some 64bit libs are missing under my 10.8.5 system. So please, try to compile the current master branch on a 10.9 machine and give us feedback.
this is, what I tried... but did not work: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/35646/
Are there any news? I'm still waiting to test my scanner. :-(
I made some progress, was able to compile and run the app on Virtual Box using Ubuntu on OSX 10.9, but unfortunately cannot get any image from the webcam...