react-native-exif copied to clipboard
(Exif.getExif) TypeError: undefined is not an object
Hello, I am trying to use this library and I get the following error: react-native: 0.51.0
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNative.NativeModules.ReactNativeExif.getExif')
These were the changes made during the Linking
import com.devialab.exif.RCTExifPackage;
import com.devialab.exif.RCTExifPackage;
include ':react-native-exif'
project(':react-native-exif').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-exif/android')
Will this error come up when an image path is not correct? Can this library support reading from a base64 string?
do you add RCTExifPackage() to getPackages on MainApplication? Anyway, you can setup this library with react-native link
Sorry, it only work with local filesystem images.
@francisco-sanchez-molina Thanks for your reply.
Seems this should be part of the
I have linked the library, but I am still getting this error on iOS. Is there something else that I am supposed to do to get it working?