Pavel Aleksandrov
Pavel Aleksandrov
Describe changes of the issue It is about possible values for "code" field of dynamic attribute. The main idea is "The field can contain only Latin letters, digits and...
Information about partNameGenerator is absend in our documentation(link below) so it shoud be added to the page But information about classNameGenerator should be brought into line(deleted or corrected) with...
In previous versions of jmix there was a property to limit user session live time. It was **jmix.ui.http-session-expiration-timeout-sec** property. Currently this property is not used and user should use one...
There is a problem in documentation of 1.5.5 version. Documentation of "TextField" component contains phrase "To add a formatter programmatically, use the addFormatter() component method." Correct name of the method...
The changes of the issue should be described Describe the new created "create-or-recreate" index schema management strategy. The strategy gives an ability to add extra fields to the created...
There is no file list for the supported These file types are: PDF, DOC, XLS, DOCX, XLSX, ODT, ODS, RTF, TXT.
Currently the documentation of the "Search" add-on is doesn't conain all the features of the programmatic mapping. It doesn't contain detailed information of the MappingDefinitionBuilder features. For example there is...
It is a more profound fix of the problem ### Steps To Reproduce Create project with search add-on. Create entity with field of "FileReference" type. Create search index definition...
Currently there are no any correct way to prepare the dynamic attributes schema changes and to apply them entirelly, at one moment. This problem is caused with the fact that...