fqrouter copied to clipboard
how to build
seems no longer update for this project, what's the version of the current repo, could you please post the details information about how to build it???
I support, please at least tell us what to expect:
- declare this repo dead and the project non open-source anymore
- or redirect people to where the code is
the code is at https://github.com/fqrouter/fqdns https://github.com/fqrouter/fqsocks https://github.com/fqrouter/fqting https://github.com/fqrouter/fqlan
to deploy to android you need to figure out how to cross compile python for android first https://github.com/fqrouter/python-for-android/tree/fqrouter
fqrouter is just a wrapper to start the python to do the hard work. If you only need wifi repeater, here it is: https://github.com/fqrouter/fqrouter/blob/master/manager/wifi.py
I am not interested to build a wifi repeater version or provide consulting service on it. Start a wifi repeater on your mobile may be easy, make it work on everybodys' is impossible.
Thanks for your answer in advance. as you said, i'm working on the repeater func and a newcomer to wifi model as well, so i'm very interesting on the way to accomplish this repeater func, could you describe the principle in details?? and another question: is this app support wifi of realtek(rtl81xx)? i read wifi.py, but there is no anything about reaktek.
Anyone have some tips on using wifi.py manually?