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Settings for Rainbow Six Siege
I've tried countless settings, but I cant seem to get any settings working that provide a good mouse feel to the game. It either moves too quick, doesnt respond to light movements of the mouse, or has half a second of input lag (im using a local ethernet on both ways).
Has anyone found any good mouse settings that work?
Yeah Same case here I've tried plenty of configuration to this game but no one seems to work correctly , I think it's because this game have some special mouse movement,different than other games so i stopped trying to figure out how to solve it :/ between it was the main raison that push me to use this software
If your talking about input lag with controls (w,s,a,d,rmb,lmb) cant help ye but for me sensitivity is fine the settings i use are. options in the ui,go to mouse and set values to mouse sensitivity (x and y) to 2000.000000000000000 Final modifier to 100.000000. In seige set vertical and horzontal to 45 and deadzones to 5. Should be an alright feel
I'm a pc player so i actually there is a big difference between this software and that config and the 3'rd party hardware and the pc game , so in the end of the story this software is really good in story games and games without mp beside that i don't recommend it for mp first person shooting game especially like rainbow six siege
Did everyone try the F12/F11 calibration process?
Yes we did it works but not as good ad the original and in a game like rainbow six siege a little aim helps alot
can i give you an tip, i play R6 with the following, sense X/Y both around 650/800 im still adjusting, and the ingame sense is 100 and 80/90 to the ADS sense. works really well for me since I can turn real fast and still get a good fine aim. Of course combining with the DeadZone F11/F12 adjustment
Renan, Brasil ?
Sim, precisando de ajuda me add na live minha gamertag eh essa mesmo
@DavidRieman my f12 and f11 calibration doesn't work