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Did you ever get the 'God' menus working?
I also have questions about building, as I have failed to get your server working just yet, but looking forward to it.
but was having a browse through the original client in Ghidra, and was seeing the menus:
- File * * E&xit
- &Options
- Change Text &Font
- Change Text Foreground Color
- &Full Screen Mode
- Music
- Sound
- Bulletin Board
- &Options
- &God
- Modify &Frame Rate
- View Rects
- Set To Day
- Set To Night
- Disable Display
- &God
- &Tools
- Terrain...
Terrain Editor
Simple Terrain Editor
Terrain Tile Editor
- Objects...
Object Editor
Simple Object Editor
Object Tile Editor
- NPCs...
NPC &Creator
NPC &Editor
NPC &Importer
- &Tools
And so on...
and was just wondering if you got them working?