make-spinner-sprite icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
make-spinner-sprite copied to clipboard

Generate spinners for the web in the form of animated, 24-bit PNG sprites


Generate spinners for the web in the form of animated, 24-bit PNG sprites. Helpful in the cases where an animated GIF won't work because you have a non-solid background and the 1-bit GIF transparency doesn't look so nice.

Should work in most any browser, probably even IE6.

Live Sample


We use MakeSpinner to create the sprite, which is just a big PNG with each frame of our animation. Then, we use this PNG as the background of a div and use Javascript to rapidly switch the frames by changing the background image's offset.

Generate the spinner sprite

$ ./MakeSpinner -output my-spinner.png -dashes 12 -dashWidth 1.8 \
     -radiusStart 5 -radiusEnd 10 -padding 3 -color 000000


Dashes:         12
Dash Width:     1.80
Radius Start:   5.00
Radius End:     10.00
Padding:        3.00
Color:          rgba(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00)
BG Color:       transparent
Output File:    my-spinner.png


This will create a PNG that looks like:


Add a DIV for the spinner

	#spinner {
		width: 26px;
		height: 26px;
		background-image: url(;
		background-position: 0px 0px;

<div id="spinner"></div>

The width and height should be 2 * (radiusEnd + padding)

Animate with Javascript

The following example uses jQuery and the jQuery.spritely plug-in, but you could do this in a number of ways.

Initial setup:

$('#spinner').sprite({ fps: 10, no_of_frames: 12 }).spStop();

Start animating:


Stop animating:



You can tweak the parameters to get some different styles.

Small, black spinner with transparent background

./MakeSpinner -output defaults.png -dashes 12 -dashWidth 1.8 \
	-radiusStart 5 -radiusEnd 10 -padding 3 -color 000000


Or, white dots on black blackground

./MakeSpinner -output white-dots-on-black.png -dashes 11 -dashWidth 5 \
	-radiusStart 10 -radiusEnd 15 -padding 2 -color ffffff \
	-backgroundColor 000000


Or, a thicker, blue spinner on transparent background

./MakeSpinner -output thick-blue-dashes.png -dashes 8 -dashWidth 6 \ 
	-radiusStart 10 -radiusEnd 22 -padding 2 -color 36648B


Inspired by staaky/spinners, which creates spinners in the same style but using only the canvas element.