Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP copied to clipboard

U250 support?

Open YangZhou1997 opened this issue 4 years ago • 8 comments


Just wonder how hard it is to port to U250. Would U250 be supported in the future?

Best, Yang

YangZhou1997 avatar Nov 25 '20 17:11 YangZhou1997

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage
CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A
CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4
CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000

I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples.


zhuofanzhang avatar Sep 29 '21 07:09 zhuofanzhang

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4 CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000

I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples.


I'm managing a similar task that to port the project to Alveo U50, and im very eager to ask for your help sincerely with some technical details. Actually I was met up with some error: ERROR: [VPL 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty. which occurs after the "make all TARGET=..."command, and according to the info, the step update_bd failed while creating vivado prj. Best.

IskandarZhang avatar Oct 28 '21 08:10 IskandarZhang

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4 CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000 I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples. Thanks.

I'm managing a similar task that to port the project to Alveo U50, and im very eager to ask for your help sincerely with some technical details. Actually I was met up with some error: ERROR: [VPL 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty. which occurs after the "make all TARGET=..."command, and according to the info, the step update_bd failed while creating vivado prj. Best.

I modify '' according to xup_vitis_network project

zhuofanzhang avatar Nov 09 '21 06:11 zhuofanzhang

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4 CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000 I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples. Thanks.

I'm managing a similar task that to port the project to Alveo U50, and im very eager to ask for your help sincerely with some technical details. Actually I was met up with some error: ERROR: [VPL 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty. which occurs after the "make all TARGET=..."command, and according to the info, the step update_bd failed while creating vivado prj. Best.

I modify '' according to xup_vitis_network project

Thanks for your prompt reply! Coincidentally, I have also run the xup project before and tested it by running its own benchmarks. When this ERROR occurred I did also thought of replacing the post_sys_link.tcl of this project with the .tcl file of the xup project, but still the ERROR occured. May I ask how did you modified the tcl file in detail? Thanks again.

IskandarZhang avatar Nov 09 '21 10:11 IskandarZhang

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4 CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000 I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples. Thanks.

I'm managing a similar task that to port the project to Alveo U50, and im very eager to ask for your help sincerely with some technical details. Actually I was met up with some error: ERROR: [VPL 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty. which occurs after the "make all TARGET=..."command, and according to the info, the step update_bd failed while creating vivado prj. Best.

I modify '' according to xup_vitis_network project

Thanks for your prompt reply! Coincidentally, I have also run the xup project before and tested it by running its own benchmarks. When this ERROR occurred I did also thought of replacing the post_sys_link.tcl of this project with the .tcl file of the xup project, but still the ERROR occured. May I ask how did you modified the tcl file in detail? Thanks again.

Below is my tcl file,

# (c) Copyright 2019 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This file contains confidential and proprietary information
# of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
# international copyright and other intellectual property
# laws.
# This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any
# rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as
# otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by
# Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable
# (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort,
# including negligence, or under any other theory of
# liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature
# related to, arising under or in connection with these
# materials, including for any direct, or any indirect,
# special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage
# (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of
# loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought
# by a third party) even if such damage or loss was
# reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the
# possibility of the same.
# Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
# safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
# performance, such as life-support or safety devices or
# systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
# applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any
# other applications that could lead to death, personal
# injury, or severe property or environmental damage
# (individually and collectively, "Critical
# Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and
# liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical
# Applications, subject only to applicable laws and
# regulations governing limitations on product liability.

set board_name [get_property board_part [current_project]]
set pfm_name [get_property PFM_NAME [get_files [current_bd_design].bd]]
set __TCLID "(Post-linking  QSFP GT pins Tcl hook): "

set __ip_list [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]
lappend __ip_list /home/local_z00417915_hz84/Vitis/Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP/Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP-master_new_iperf_krnl/build/fpga-network-stack/iprepo
set_property ip_repo_paths $__ip_list [current_project]

# *************************************************************************
# *************************************************************************
puts "${__TCLID} the name of the board is: ${board_name}"
puts "${__TCLID} get_property PFM_NAME $pfm_name"
# Get GT port name, GT reference clock and free running clock

set io_clk_gt0 "io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"
set io_clk_gt1 "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk0_00"
set io_clk_gt2 "io_clk_qsfp0_refclka_00"

if {[llength [get_bd_intf_ports ${io_clk_gt0}]] eq 1} {
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a "io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_b "io_clk_qsfp_refclkb_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a "io_clk_qsfp_refclka_01"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_b "io_clk_qsfp_refclkb_01"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_0        "io_gt_qsfp_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_1        "io_gt_qsfp_01"
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_intf_ports ${io_clk_gt1}]] eq 1} {
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk0_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_b "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk1_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk0_01"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_b "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk1_01"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_0        "io_gt_gtyquad_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_1        "io_gt_gtyquad_01"
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_intf_ports ${io_clk_gt2}]] eq 1} {
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a "io_clk_qsfp0_refclka_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a "io_clk_qsfp1_refclka_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_0        "io_gt_qsfp0_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_1        "io_gt_qsfp1_00"
} else {
  puts "${__TCLID} WARNING no GT ports were found"

puts "${__TCLID} bd gt quad is ${bd_gt_gtyquad_0} and gt clock ref is ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a}"
puts "${__TCLID} bd gt quad is ${bd_gt_gtyquad_1} and gt clock ref is ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a}"

# U280 -> frc0(50)
# U250 -> frc1(100 MHz)
# U50  -> frc2(100 MHz)
# U55c -> frc2(100 MHz)

set frc0 "clk_gt_freerun"
set frc1 "ii_level1_wire/ulp_m_aclk_freerun_ref_00"
set frc2 "ii_level0_wire/ulp_m_aclk_freerun_ref_00"
set frc3 "blp_s_aclk_freerun_ref_00"

if {[llength [get_bd_ports ${frc0}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc0}
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_pins ${frc1}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc1}
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_pins ${frc2}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc2}
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_pins ${frc3}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc3}
} else {
  puts "${__TCLID} WARNING no free running clock was found"

puts "${__TCLID} free running clock is ${__bd_free_running_clk}"

set __gt_k_list {}
set __gt_intf_width 0
# Make sure the kernel key in the config_info dict exists
if {[dict exists $config_info kernels]} {
  puts "${__TCLID} got config_info which is: ${config_info}"
  set __k_list [dict get $config_info kernels]
  puts "${__TCLID} __k_list: ${__k_list}"
  # Make sure that list of kernels is populated  
  if {[llength $__k_list] > 0} {
    # Iterate over each kernel
    foreach __k_inst $__k_list {
      puts "${__TCLID} K Inst: ${__k_inst}"
      set __cu_bd_cell_list [get_bd_cells -quiet -filter "VLNV=~*:*:${__k_inst}:*"]
      # Iterate over each compute unit for the current kernel
      foreach __cu_bd_cell $__cu_bd_cell_list {
        puts "${__TCLID} CU Cell: ${__cu_bd_cell}"
        set __cu_bd_cell_sub [string range $__cu_bd_cell 1 [string length $__cu_bd_cell]]
        #Create a list of GT capable kernels. 
        set __gt_pins [get_bd_intf_pins -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $__cu_bd_cell_sub] -filter {VLNV=~*gt_rtl*}]
        if {[llength ${__gt_pins} ] > 0} {
          puts "${__TCLID} found gt interface on $__cu_bd_cell_sub"
          lappend __gt_k_list $__cu_bd_cell_sub
  } else {
    puts "${__TCLID} kernel list 0"
  puts "${__TCLID} list of gt kernels ${__gt_k_list}"

  if {[llength ${__gt_k_list}] > 1} {
    puts "${__TCLID} More than 1 GT interface is not supported. A single GT interface of max width 4 must be provided."

  if {[llength $__gt_k_list] > 0} {
    puts "${__TCLID} Iterating over kernels"
    if {[info exist bd_gt_gtyquad_0] eq 0} {
      puts "${__TCLID} ERROR this shell does not have gt support or the gt port names are unknown"
      # The line below will always give an error and it is indeed to stop vpl process
      connect_bd_intf_net error error

    puts "${__TCLID} GT Kernel List $__gt_k_list"
    foreach __k_inst $__gt_k_list {
      # Look for a gt capable interface
      set __gt_intf [get_bd_intf_pins -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $__k_inst] -filter {VLNV=~*gt_rtl*}]
      puts "${__TCLID} found GT caplable interface: ${__gt_intf}"
      if {[string first "gt_serial_port0" ${__gt_intf}] != -1} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting GT quad ${bd_gt_gtyquad_0} <-> ${__gt_intf}"
        connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_ports ${bd_gt_gtyquad_0}] ${__gt_intf}
      if {[string first "gt_serial_port1" ${__gt_intf}] != -1} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting GT quad ${bd_gt_gtyquad_1} <-> ${__gt_intf}"
        connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_ports ${bd_gt_gtyquad_1}] ${__gt_intf}
      # Look for a gt clock capable interface
      set __refclk0_pins [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "gt_refclk0*"}]
      if {[llength $__refclk0_pins] > 0} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a} -> ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk0"
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a}_clk_n] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk0_n]
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a}_clk_p] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk0_p]
      set __refclk1_pins [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "gt_refclk1*"}]
      if {[llength $__refclk1_pins] > 0} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a} -> ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk1"
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a}_clk_n] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk1_n]
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a}_clk_p] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk1_p]
      # Get Free runninc clock pin name and connection if any
      set __kernel_freerunclk_pins [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "clk_gt_freerun"}]
      set __freerunclk_connection [get_bd_nets -of_objects [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "clk_gt_freerun"}]]
      puts "${__TCLID} kernel free running clock pin ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}"

      if {[llength ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}] ne 1} {
        puts "${__TCLID} ERROR - No clk_gt_freerun pin found"
      } else {
        if {[llength ${__freerunclk_connection}] ne 0} {
          puts "${__TCLID} ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins} was connected to ${__freerunclk_connection}. Connection was removed"
          disconnect_bd_net ${__freerunclk_connection} [get_bd_pins ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}]
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting free running clock ${__bd_free_running_clk} -> ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}"
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins ${__bd_free_running_clk}] [get_bd_pins ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}]

puts "${__TCLID} QSFP GT pins Tcl hook DONE!"

zhuofanzhang avatar Nov 15 '21 03:11 zhuofanzhang

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4 CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000 I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples. Thanks.

I'm managing a similar task that to port the project to Alveo U50, and im very eager to ask for your help sincerely with some technical details. Actually I was met up with some error: ERROR: [VPL 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty. which occurs after the "make all TARGET=..."command, and according to the info, the step update_bd failed while creating vivado prj. Best.

I modify '' according to xup_vitis_network project

Thanks for your prompt reply! Coincidentally, I have also run the xup project before and tested it by running its own benchmarks. When this ERROR occurred I did also thought of replacing the post_sys_link.tcl of this project with the .tcl file of the xup project, but still the ERROR occured. May I ask how did you modified the tcl file in detail? Thanks again.

Below is my tcl file,

# (c) Copyright 2019 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This file contains confidential and proprietary information
# of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
# international copyright and other intellectual property
# laws.
# This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any
# rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as
# otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by
# Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable
# (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort,
# including negligence, or under any other theory of
# liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature
# related to, arising under or in connection with these
# materials, including for any direct, or any indirect,
# special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage
# (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of
# loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought
# by a third party) even if such damage or loss was
# reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the
# possibility of the same.
# Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
# safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
# performance, such as life-support or safety devices or
# systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
# applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any
# other applications that could lead to death, personal
# injury, or severe property or environmental damage
# (individually and collectively, "Critical
# Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and
# liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical
# Applications, subject only to applicable laws and
# regulations governing limitations on product liability.

set board_name [get_property board_part [current_project]]
set pfm_name [get_property PFM_NAME [get_files [current_bd_design].bd]]
set __TCLID "(Post-linking  QSFP GT pins Tcl hook): "

set __ip_list [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]
lappend __ip_list /home/local_z00417915_hz84/Vitis/Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP/Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP-master_new_iperf_krnl/build/fpga-network-stack/iprepo
set_property ip_repo_paths $__ip_list [current_project]

# *************************************************************************
# *************************************************************************
puts "${__TCLID} the name of the board is: ${board_name}"
puts "${__TCLID} get_property PFM_NAME $pfm_name"
# Get GT port name, GT reference clock and free running clock

set io_clk_gt0 "io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"
set io_clk_gt1 "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk0_00"
set io_clk_gt2 "io_clk_qsfp0_refclka_00"

if {[llength [get_bd_intf_ports ${io_clk_gt0}]] eq 1} {
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a "io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_b "io_clk_qsfp_refclkb_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a "io_clk_qsfp_refclka_01"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_b "io_clk_qsfp_refclkb_01"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_0        "io_gt_qsfp_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_1        "io_gt_qsfp_01"
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_intf_ports ${io_clk_gt1}]] eq 1} {
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk0_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_b "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk1_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk0_01"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_b "io_clk_gtyquad_refclk1_01"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_0        "io_gt_gtyquad_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_1        "io_gt_gtyquad_01"
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_intf_ports ${io_clk_gt2}]] eq 1} {
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a "io_clk_qsfp0_refclka_00"
  set bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a "io_clk_qsfp1_refclka_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_0        "io_gt_qsfp0_00"
  set bd_gt_gtyquad_1        "io_gt_qsfp1_00"
} else {
  puts "${__TCLID} WARNING no GT ports were found"

puts "${__TCLID} bd gt quad is ${bd_gt_gtyquad_0} and gt clock ref is ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a}"
puts "${__TCLID} bd gt quad is ${bd_gt_gtyquad_1} and gt clock ref is ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a}"

# U280 -> frc0(50)
# U250 -> frc1(100 MHz)
# U50  -> frc2(100 MHz)
# U55c -> frc2(100 MHz)

set frc0 "clk_gt_freerun"
set frc1 "ii_level1_wire/ulp_m_aclk_freerun_ref_00"
set frc2 "ii_level0_wire/ulp_m_aclk_freerun_ref_00"
set frc3 "blp_s_aclk_freerun_ref_00"

if {[llength [get_bd_ports ${frc0}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc0}
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_pins ${frc1}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc1}
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_pins ${frc2}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc2}
} elseif {[llength [get_bd_pins ${frc3}]] eq 1} {
  set __bd_free_running_clk ${frc3}
} else {
  puts "${__TCLID} WARNING no free running clock was found"

puts "${__TCLID} free running clock is ${__bd_free_running_clk}"

set __gt_k_list {}
set __gt_intf_width 0
# Make sure the kernel key in the config_info dict exists
if {[dict exists $config_info kernels]} {
  puts "${__TCLID} got config_info which is: ${config_info}"
  set __k_list [dict get $config_info kernels]
  puts "${__TCLID} __k_list: ${__k_list}"
  # Make sure that list of kernels is populated  
  if {[llength $__k_list] > 0} {
    # Iterate over each kernel
    foreach __k_inst $__k_list {
      puts "${__TCLID} K Inst: ${__k_inst}"
      set __cu_bd_cell_list [get_bd_cells -quiet -filter "VLNV=~*:*:${__k_inst}:*"]
      # Iterate over each compute unit for the current kernel
      foreach __cu_bd_cell $__cu_bd_cell_list {
        puts "${__TCLID} CU Cell: ${__cu_bd_cell}"
        set __cu_bd_cell_sub [string range $__cu_bd_cell 1 [string length $__cu_bd_cell]]
        #Create a list of GT capable kernels. 
        set __gt_pins [get_bd_intf_pins -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $__cu_bd_cell_sub] -filter {VLNV=~*gt_rtl*}]
        if {[llength ${__gt_pins} ] > 0} {
          puts "${__TCLID} found gt interface on $__cu_bd_cell_sub"
          lappend __gt_k_list $__cu_bd_cell_sub
  } else {
    puts "${__TCLID} kernel list 0"
  puts "${__TCLID} list of gt kernels ${__gt_k_list}"

  if {[llength ${__gt_k_list}] > 1} {
    puts "${__TCLID} More than 1 GT interface is not supported. A single GT interface of max width 4 must be provided."

  if {[llength $__gt_k_list] > 0} {
    puts "${__TCLID} Iterating over kernels"
    if {[info exist bd_gt_gtyquad_0] eq 0} {
      puts "${__TCLID} ERROR this shell does not have gt support or the gt port names are unknown"
      # The line below will always give an error and it is indeed to stop vpl process
      connect_bd_intf_net error error

    puts "${__TCLID} GT Kernel List $__gt_k_list"
    foreach __k_inst $__gt_k_list {
      # Look for a gt capable interface
      set __gt_intf [get_bd_intf_pins -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $__k_inst] -filter {VLNV=~*gt_rtl*}]
      puts "${__TCLID} found GT caplable interface: ${__gt_intf}"
      if {[string first "gt_serial_port0" ${__gt_intf}] != -1} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting GT quad ${bd_gt_gtyquad_0} <-> ${__gt_intf}"
        connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_ports ${bd_gt_gtyquad_0}] ${__gt_intf}
      if {[string first "gt_serial_port1" ${__gt_intf}] != -1} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting GT quad ${bd_gt_gtyquad_1} <-> ${__gt_intf}"
        connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_ports ${bd_gt_gtyquad_1}] ${__gt_intf}
      # Look for a gt clock capable interface
      set __refclk0_pins [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "gt_refclk0*"}]
      if {[llength $__refclk0_pins] > 0} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a} -> ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk0"
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a}_clk_n] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk0_n]
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_0_name_a}_clk_p] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk0_p]
      set __refclk1_pins [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "gt_refclk1*"}]
      if {[llength $__refclk1_pins] > 0} {
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a} -> ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk1"
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a}_clk_n] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk1_n]
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports ${bd_gt_ref_clk_1_name_a}_clk_p] [get_bd_pins ${__k_inst}/gt_refclk1_p]
      # Get Free runninc clock pin name and connection if any
      set __kernel_freerunclk_pins [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "clk_gt_freerun"}]
      set __freerunclk_connection [get_bd_nets -of_objects [get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells ${__k_inst}] -filter {NAME =~ "clk_gt_freerun"}]]
      puts "${__TCLID} kernel free running clock pin ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}"

      if {[llength ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}] ne 1} {
        puts "${__TCLID} ERROR - No clk_gt_freerun pin found"
      } else {
        if {[llength ${__freerunclk_connection}] ne 0} {
          puts "${__TCLID} ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins} was connected to ${__freerunclk_connection}. Connection was removed"
          disconnect_bd_net ${__freerunclk_connection} [get_bd_pins ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}]
        puts "${__TCLID} connecting free running clock ${__bd_free_running_clk} -> ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}"
        connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins ${__bd_free_running_clk}] [get_bd_pins ${__kernel_freerunclk_pins}]

puts "${__TCLID} QSFP GT pins Tcl hook DONE!"

Regards, Zhang, I had the same problem as you after modifying the tcl file. I'm trying to solve this problem by replacing the cmac kernel with the kernel from the xup project and it would be great if you have any better solution to share. Best.

IskandarZhang avatar Feb 23 '22 09:02 IskandarZhang

Hi, @IskandarZhang, @zhuofanzhang I have the same issue. The Alveo U280 can't establish connection with any other devices, and xbutil query shows that only network_krnl and user_krnl use CUs, i.e., it seems cmac_krnl runs failed.

Do you this project successfully? It would be great if you can give me some suggestions how to fix or debug such issues and run this project? Thank you very much. Best.

pzcong avatar Jul 02 '22 03:07 pzcong

I am able to implement this project with U250 and successful to get link with other network devices. However, TCP link is not established and no pkt is dumped at the NIC end. I found the status of camc_krnl is CRASHED after programming the device, xbutil query Compute Unit Status Addr Status Usage CU: cmac_krnl:cmac_krnl_1 @N/A (CRASHED) N/A CU[ 1]: iperf_krnl:iperf_krnl_1 @0xc10000 (IDLE) 4 CU[ 0]: network_krnl:network_krnl_1 @0xc20000 I am wondering if there is any method to debug this issue. It will be very helpful if the author could provide the network topology, cmd and screen outputs for different examples. Thanks.

I'm managing a similar task that to port the project to Alveo U50, and im very eager to ask for your help sincerely with some technical details. Actually I was met up with some error: ERROR: [VPL 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty. which occurs after the "make all TARGET=..."command, and according to the info, the step update_bd failed while creating vivado prj. Best.

Hi [IskandarZhang] Where you successful to port this design to Alveo u50 card?

lizajoseph avatar Mar 14 '24 09:03 lizajoseph