joytag copied to clipboard
Great project! I created a .py script that tags all files in an \input\ folder
In case it's of interest:
from Models import VisionModel
from PIL import Image
import torch.amp.autocast_mode
from pathlib import Path
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TVF
import os
import tiktoken # For token counting
from tqdm import tqdm # For progress tracking
# Options
input_dir = 'input' # Directory containing the images to process
path = 'models/' # Change this to where you downloaded the model
save_in_same_directory = True # Set to False to save in a separate 'output' directory
extension = 'txt' # Extension for the saved tag files
overwrite_existing = False # Set to False to skip processing images with existing
certainty_threshold = 0.4 # Threshold for considering tags during prediction
save_threshold = 0.2 # Saves all tags above this value
token_length = 100 # Maximum number of tokens, None to disable
string_length = None # Maximum string length, None to disable
word_count = None # Maximum word count, None to disableoutput files
# Load model and tags
model = VisionModel.load_model(path)
model ='cuda')
with open(Path(path) / 'top_tags.txt', 'r') as f:
top_tags = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() if line.strip()]
def prepare_image(image: Image.Image, target_size: int) -> torch.Tensor:
# Pad image to square
image_shape = image.size
max_dim = max(image_shape)
pad_left = (max_dim - image_shape[0]) // 2
pad_top = (max_dim - image_shape[1]) // 2
padded_image ='RGB', (max_dim, max_dim), (255, 255, 255))
padded_image.paste(image, (pad_left, pad_top))
# Resize image
if max_dim != target_size:
padded_image = padded_image.resize((target_size, target_size), Image.BICUBIC)
# Convert to tensor
image_tensor = TVF.pil_to_tensor(padded_image) / 255.0
# Normalize
image_tensor = TVF.normalize(image_tensor, mean=[0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073], std=[0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711])
return image_tensor
def predict(image: Image.Image):
image_tensor = prepare_image(image, model.image_size)
batch = {
'image': image_tensor.unsqueeze(0).to('cuda'),
with torch.amp.autocast_mode.autocast('cuda', enabled=True):
preds = model(batch)
tag_preds = preds['tags'].sigmoid().cpu()
scores = {top_tags[i]: tag_preds[0][i] for i in range(len(top_tags))}
predicted_tags = [tag for tag, score in sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if score > certainty_threshold]
tag_string = ', '.join(predicted_tags)
return tag_string, scores
def apply_constraints(tag_string):
# Token length constraint
if token_length is not None:
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4")
tokens = encoding.encode(tag_string)
if len(tokens) > token_length:
truncated_tokens = tokens[:token_length]
truncated_string = encoding.decode(truncated_tokens)
tag_string = truncated_string.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]
# String length constraint
if string_length is not None:
if len(tag_string) > string_length:
tag_string = tag_string[:string_length].rsplit(' ', 1)[0]
# Word count constraint
if word_count is not None:
words = tag_string.split(' ')
if len(words) > word_count:
tag_string = ' '.join(words[:word_count])
return tag_string
def process_images(input_dir: str, save_in_same_directory=True, extension='txt', overwrite_existing=True):
input_path = Path(input_dir)
output_dir = Path('output')
if not save_in_same_directory:
supported_extensions = ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp')
files_to_process = [os.path.join(root, file)
for root, _, files in os.walk(input_path)
for file in files if file.lower().endswith(supported_extensions)]
for image_path in tqdm(files_to_process, desc="Processing images"):
image_path = Path(image_path)
if save_in_same_directory:
output_file = image_path.with_suffix(f'.{extension}')
output_file = output_dir / f"{image_path.stem}.{extension}"
if not overwrite_existing and output_file.exists():
#print(f"Skipping {image_path} as output file already exists.")
image =
tag_string, scores = predict(image)
save_tags = [tag for tag, score in scores.items() if score > save_threshold]
save_tag_string = ', '.join(save_tags)
# Apply constraints
save_tag_string = apply_constraints(save_tag_string)
with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
#print(f"Processed {image_path}: {save_tag_string}")
# Process images with the specified options
process_images(input_dir, save_in_same_directory, extension, overwrite_existing)