Fabien PÉRIÉ

Results 22 comments of Fabien PÉRIÉ

You library is fantastic but can someone please merge the pull request and release ? 'Angular' is moving fast, your library should keep up with major releases

Now, Angular 16 has been released

Yes @vietj, but I'm not sure to have the time to do it today.

For the issue on the service proxy, I have a workaround while on npe issue, it's blocking

@vietj As requested, I created a new pull request [PR #83 in service-proxy module](https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-service-proxy/pull/83) in service-proxy project but I don't reproduce this issue. Why ?

Hola @vietj, This issue can it be resolved to vertx 3.6.0 ?

Hello @vietj, @jponge, Oups, excellent suggestions but the new patchset don't resolve the issue. Always, an NPE occured during the execution of test : ``` Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at...

Hello @vietj, @jponge, Below, the full stack trace : ``` Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at co.paralleluniverse.fibers.FiberAsync.run(FiberAsync.java:122) at io.vertx.ext.sync.Sync.awaitResult(Sync.java:48) at io.vertx.ext.sync.npe.verticle.DaoSyncVerticle.createMongoCollectionsAndCreateIndexesIfNeeded(DaoSyncVerticle.java:120) at io.vertx.ext.sync.npe.verticle.DaoSyncVerticle.lambda$null$0(DaoSyncVerticle.java:56) at io.vertx.ext.sync.Sync$1.requestAsync(Sync.java:43) at co.paralleluniverse.fibers.FiberAsync$1.run(FiberAsync.java:128) at co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Fiber.exec(Fiber.java:824) at co.paralleluniverse.fibers.RunnableFiberTask.doExec(RunnableFiberTask.java:100)...