Falco Peregrinvs
Falco Peregrinvs
can we close this ?
everybody using ios or any android user having this issue ?
Sadly I don't have an IOS to test this.
@skroll given that com2us recently changed the crypto key a new update with proxy detection is likely. Could you test this configuring/using a regular proxy and checking if game is...
@skroll seems like a bug in the SW Proxy code, the code kakaroto got from https://github.com/abhinavsingh/proxy.py maybe you could isolate and send me the faulty request so I can replay...
@skroll http://expirebox.com/
the issues you were facing should be corrected by now. The force option should be useful for some scenarios and its simple enough to maintain/support +1 for merging this (.but...
Many people are reporting that sw picks the wrong IP address. I guess this feature can help them
during the 0.98 release, some people reported that problem. I opened an issue #48 and checked what have changed since 0.97 and found this change [ffa2ff11c760784624d36cd97b1073804e8440cd](https://github.com/kakaroto/SWProxy/commit/ffa2ff11c760784624d36cd97b1073804e8440cd) which seems to be...
There's no guarantee that old code will select the correct interface. Not sure if code was broke to someone but made a pull request with a hybrid from old and...