Miles Egan
Miles Egan
I think rather than introducing a concept of a default value and leaving it up to settings to decide if the value is == default we can just add a...
> > Our general pattern in settings has been to make the actual controls as dumb as possible and give as much control to the panel author as possible. >...
> If we leave it completely up to the panels, it means that we have to rely on every panel implementing the hide-if-default behavior correctly. Would that be any harder...
If the set of settings is dynamically generated then determining what the default value is may not be so straightforward. In any case if you can easily determine your default...
I'm inclined to say that it should be up to the panel author to tag the parent node as an error since otherwise we're going to have to do a...
Right. I can't think of a general solution to this problem that doesn't require recursing through all descendants on each render. There might be a pure CSS solution using `has()`.
At the moment there's nothing stopping panel authors from handling this themselves explicitly. If we want to solve it in a general way I'd be tempted to try some CSS...
> Only on every update to the settings state not every render? You mean every render of the parent panel? There are many cases where settings gets updated very rapidly...
We should look for a virtualized list component as part of porting this.
> what about ? Tried this and didn't get great results either.