> Yes, manual testing would be good. I have performed some manual testing and I can confirm that xclip compiles, copies to PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD, copies and pastes images and...
FYI: list of changes added to xclip on top of 0.13 release: ``` [foxpy@t14s xclip]$ git log --oneline 0.13..master | cat b372f73 Fix uninitialized variables causing segfault faeebf2 Merge pull...
> I seem to recall there was some talk about using the clipboard by default since Wayland didn't know about the primary selection. Would that solve the issue for you?...
> You shouldn't notice any difference Yep, seems to work fine, though I didn't test it as extensively (not if it is reall required this time).
> The **XSync** function flushes the output buffer and then waits until all requests have been received and processed by the X server. I think the fix would be to...
maybe we should even use `XNextEvent`. slop is not a videogame, it only has to refresh screen when a new input event arrives. though I don't have any experience, too.
> Wonder how one could best phrase the actual behavior. Well, I have an idea actually. The current doc says this: > "By default it outputs the encoded image data...
They probably mean an option to capture a window larger than output display. That sounds like a complicated feature to implement and I don't know anyone who could take it...
> @foxpy did you mean making window much smaller than the output display using `Ctrl -` and then taking the screenshot ?? No, I suggest making window so large it...
I currently don't have a proper machine to debug this on, but I can ask you recording these three values (please run benchmarks on idling machine!): 1. `time maim test.jpg`...