I think the conversation has moved to #193, this issue should be closed now.
You are probably one of those lucky people who don't have a bug in scrot when selection border gets into screenshot (or maybe you just don't use the selection feature...
Also this issue probably means we should expand README to elaborate a little bit about key differences between maim and scrot?
> I definitely won't implement a "freeze" feature, it kinda exceeds the scope of the app in my opinion. As far as I understand, the only maim's purpose is to...
After digging into scrot source code I have realized it grabs whole X server to prevent rendering of other applications. Not sure about imagemagick's `import` application, source code seemed to...
> I definitely won't implement a "freeze" feature, it kinda exceeds the scope of the app in my opinion. Why? I am pretty sure application itself is the best place...
Probably a good idea to leave more information about your config (picom config, window manager/desktop environment, etc)
Where did you install picom from? What is your distro? I want to reproduce your environment.
> I am running Debian sid and picom comes from the picom Debian package. Uh, this leaves me with following two questions: - how do I install Debian sid? I...
> If you have trouble reproducing, maybe don't put too much effort on it. Right, currently I don't have an unused Radeon machine at my disposal, hence it would be...