bootra1n copied to clipboard
When Booting to Bootra1n getting ACPI Error thingy
When I boot to bootra1n there are some text saying error and saying ACPI Error??? Anyone help me?
Error -20 Jailbreaking iPad Pro 1st gen On iPadOs 14.0 using Checkra1n checkra1n 0.11.0 video link of the issue
Error -20 Jailbreaking iPad Pro 1st gen On iPadOs 14.0 using Checkra1n checkra1n 0.11.0 video link of the issue
your comment has nothing to do with my issue.
@DEALWITHIT199 Have you tried reading
@DEALWITHIT199 Have you tried reading
Yes I already tried that, it doesn’t work. But you don’t have to worry about it because ACPI Error is normal and its not harmful to the computer.
Then why are you asking for help? You are asking like this is a critical error.
Then why are you asking for help? You are asking like this is a critical error.
Hey I need some help I tried it and it won’t work do I need to put the code in a specific place?