bootra1n copied to clipboard
Iphone 5s
Not working...error -1 sync
I have problem with load exploit...i have 12.8 iOS
Are you booting to the USB Drive? or Error of Jailbreaking?
boot from usb...i have 5s with icloud password....i got this phone from friend. firmware 12.4.8.
i cant delete this icloud account.
I cant load to this device jailbreak firmware because i got error in 3utools SHSS
boot from usb...i have 5s with icloud password....i got this phone from friend. firmware 12.4.8.
i cant delete this icloud account.
I cant load to this device jailbreak firmware because i got error in 3utools SHSS
Wait... So your trying to Jailbreak your iPhone 5s?
i cant jailbreak....i have password icloud.
i cant jailbreak....i have password icloud.
So your trying to remove the iCloud Account?
yes...but no luck.
yes...but no luck.
Yes! You can Remove the iCloud Account
i try many programs...not working. Any suggestion?
- You need to Install AnyUnlock to this page
- then install the setup. after the setup is fully installed open the Program
- after opening the program you will see alot of features, one of them is "Unlock Apple ID" click on that and wait
- when you see a new window opened, just follow the instructions provided there.
Forgot to ask. if your going to Jailbreak your iPhone 5s what version of Bootra1n are you going to use? and what version is your iOS?
now i downgrade from 12.4.8. to 12.4.6 ios firmware using u3tools. I use bootrain bootra1n-i686-0.10.2-20200526.iso Stuck on load exploit. I try now with 12.4.6...maybe done.
umm why downgrade??
maybe bootrain working on this version? on 12.4.8 not working. My screen from u3tools
waittt don't downgrade yet!
Can you upgrade your iPhone 5s 12.4.8 to iOS 13.7 using 3uTools?
no....i have only high firmware 12.4.8 (flash) and 12.4.7 (jailbreak). Now i try again with botrain usb and i stuck on "Right before trigger (this is the real bug setup)....on this checkrain stop working...i waiting 10 minutes and nothing happen.
can you show me the error of bootra1n your trying to do?
no problem...wait 5 minutes..i downloading x64 version live cd....i take screenshot my phone huawei...
on this progress nothing happen....waiting 10 minutes and nothing....
ok try doing this:
- Use a High Quality Cable
- Turn OFF Passcode
- Put the USB Boot Drive on Slot on 2.0 not 3.0
- Turn OFF wifi or turn on Airplane Mode with wifi OFF (optional)
If still getting errors then try Jailbreaking with unc0ver
I have hq cable....usb 2.0 only....
I cant turn off passcode....this device have icloud email and password. Not my icloud! This app not working in my opinion. I try wih uncover....
ohh checkra1n jailbreak will not work if you have your passcode on. well try unc0ver hope it works!
unc0ver doesn't need computer ok just sayin. but you need a computer to install unc0ver in your iDevice
ok....uncover is to shit. you dont understand....i cant load uncover because i cant run this iphone...icloud password and email. I dont have my opinion it is not possible crack icloud iphone. every video on youtube is scam for me.
i record video on my youtube channel and show people true :)
ok....uncover is to shit. you dont understand....i cant load uncover because i cant run this iphone...icloud password and email. I dont have my opinion it is not possible crack icloud iphone. every video on youtube is scam for me.
Don't feel down
did you try the AnyUnlock program? AnyUnlock lets you remove the apple id or icloud account in your iDevice. give it a try
Any unlock dont recognize device....u3tools no problem
well I'm sorry to say this but I have no more things in mind to help you. hope you find the solution!
Apple have introduced mitigations designed to prevent icloud bypassing making it extremely difficult. , in addition,, bypassing icloud isn't something the majority of the community will help you with as it raises ethical issues.
i cant downgradt from 12.4.8 to 12.4.3....i think it is not possible remove icloud account from iphone 5s when i dont know password and emial.
yes... i cant remove this icloud.
it is not possible
i dont any hope yet...:(
not working
i cant jailbreak because bootra1n not working! Understand?
yes..i dont have mac
i purchase unlock via website...all programs not working.