dissect.cobaltstrike copied to clipboard
Python library for dissecting and parsing Cobalt Strike related data such as Beacon payloads and Malleable C2 Profiles
Dissecting Cobalt Strike using Python
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dissect.cobaltstrike is a Python library for dissecting and parsing Cobalt Strike related data such as beacon payloads and Malleable C2 Profiles.
The library is available on PyPI. Use pip
to install it::
$ pip install dissect.cobaltstrike
dissect.cobaltstrike requires Python 3.6 or later.
The project documentation can be found here: https://dissect-cobaltstrike.readthedocs.io
Basic Usage
Parse a Cobalt Strike beacon and extract some config settings:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from dissect.cobaltstrike.beacon import BeaconConfig
>>> bconfig = BeaconConfig.from_path("beacon.bin")
>>> hex(bconfig.watermark)
>>> bconfig.protocol
>>> bconfig.version
<BeaconVersion 'Cobalt Strike 4.2 (Nov 06, 2020)', tuple=(4, 2), date=2020-11-06>
>>> bconfig.settings
mappingproxy({'SETTING_PROTOCOL': 8,
'SETTING_MAXGET': 1048576,
>>> bconfig.settings["SETTING_C2_REQUEST"]
[('_HEADER', b'Connection: close'),
('_HEADER', b'Accept-Language: en-US'),
('BUILD', 'metadata'),
('MASK', True),
('BASE64', True),
('PREPEND', b'wordpress_ed1f617bbd6c004cc09e046f3c1b7148='),
('HEADER', b'Cookie')]
Parse a Malleable C2 Profile and read some configuration settings:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from dissect.cobaltstrike.c2profile import C2Profile
>>> profile = C2Profile.from_path("amazon.profile")
>>> profile.as_dict()
{'sleeptime': ['5000'],
'jitter': ['0'],
'maxdns': ['255'],
'useragent': ['Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'],
'http-get.uri': ['/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/167-3294888-0262949/field-keywords=books'],
'http-get.client.header': [('Accept', '*/*'), ('Host', 'www.amazon.com')],
>>> profile.properties["useragent"]
['Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko']
>>> profile.properties["http-get.uri"]
dissect.cobaltstrike is developed and distributed under the MIT license.