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Hand of the Apprentice should be available as a Universalist 1st Level Class Feat
Hand of the Apprentice should be available as a Universalist 1st Level Class Feat. It's Uncommon, but only because it's only available to Universalist wizards. As it is, you have to add it as a Homebrew Item.
I've looked at the choiceset, and the issue is that the Universalist choiceset will only return wizard feats without a pre-requisite, rather than feats without a pre-req OR with a pre-req of universalist. I don't know how to tweak the choiceset to make it cover both options, but that's the source of the error.
"adjustName": false,
"choices": {
"query": "{\"system.featType.value\":\"class\",\"system.level.value\":1,\"system.prerequisites.value\":[],\"system.traits.value\":{\"$elemMatch\":\"wizard\"}}"
"key": "ChoiceSet"
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