foundryvtt-starfinder copied to clipboard
A community maintained implementation of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game for Foundry VTT.
I don't see that computers have been implemented yet nor have their upgrade modules (firewall, secure data, fake shell, etc) so I'm just opening this so we can track progress...
Now that key ability score is kept track of on a class-by-class basis, the key ability score selector on the Attributes tab doesn't seem to have any effect. It's a...
The "turn distance penalty" value in the armor starship components is not currently being applied to the turn distance value on the starship's main sheet display.
The Browser at the bottom of the Compendium can be accessed by Players, even if the corresponding compendium is hidden for them, so hiding compendiums like the Alien Archive is...
Exceptions to allow Energy Resistance stacking are not functional. Suggest adding a flag to allow stacking of the ER amounts.
Trying to find vehicle modifications from Tech Revolutions ( but can't seem to find any pre-populated compendium containing these? Am I looking in the wrong place or is this not...
Currently updating the compendium of these items. And in doing so, seeing an several updates to the item types functions that would be useful. - [ ] Currently usage of...
It would be helpful if the Features tab of the character sheet allowed for nested items. This way, you could place all your racial features within your race entry, so...
Currently Spells do not have an Effect field. This is used by spells like Wall of Fire. Example "**Effect** wall up to 20 ft. long/level or a ring with a...
My intent with these changes is to simplify the code as much as I could with the goal of making the code easier for contributors to reason about and without...