foundryvtt-starfinder copied to clipboard
A community maintained implementation of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game for Foundry VTT.
**What item is incorrect/missing?** Dead Condition **What book is the item from? What page is it on? If possible, include an Archives of Nethys link** CRB.275 / src/items/conditions/dead.json **SFRPG system...
**Describe the bug** I am trying to use the scaling cantrips variant rule, but when I enable it in settings and click on the "damage" button on the chat card...
Like the strength score, a player in powered armor uses the speed of the powered armor in place of their own. Currently this does not appear to be reflected on...
Light Torpedo Launcher has no ammo rating or limited fire property but cannot be fired without first editing to add ammunition count to it.
Foundry isn't applying any of the penalties for encumbrance. The character sheet keeps track of your current carried Bulk, and the maximum, but it doesn't do anything when you go...
When a character dons powered armor, its bulk is not supposed to be counted toward the character's encumbrance, but in the Foundry sheet it is.  Quoting the rule: >...
This is necessary for ramming for example.
I'd like a way to trim down the character sheet just a little, and I think having the ability to hide skills with zero ranks would do the job. Make...
Ability for Special material from ammo to enter weapon's damage. Currently reloading ammo will load any available ammo, despite material. And can change the loaded ammo to match what is...
I'd like there to be full attack option in the attack dialog for easily doing two attacks with same modifiers.