foundryvtt-starfinder copied to clipboard
A community maintained implementation of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game for Foundry VTT.
As it currently stands, whenever you post a chat card with a saving throw to chat and click it with one token selected, it opens the appropriate roll dialog for...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, when creating a modifier, you can provide a bonus to any given default skill, by selecting `Specific Skill` from...
More options for item's Physical Settings to include other bonuses to item level beyond Custom Built
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am currently running an Experimental Prototype Engineer using the Powered Armor Prototype and uses the Tinker theme. Part of...
According to the rules on starship construction (CRB p. 305), it's possible to [add or upgrade a starship's weapon mounts]( A new light mount costs 3 BP (5 for a...
Adding missing Operative Exploits, mostly from Armory
Resolves #1382, and will allow #1377 and/or #1319 to have data input correctly
- [ ] Personal Trainer - [X] Bouncer - [X] Paranormal Investigator (Enhanced) - [X] Pickpocket - [X] Rancher - [X] Starwalker (Enhanced) - [X] Street Magician - [X] Vidgamer
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Some new themes, like Personal Trainer, don't provide a skill bonus and instead provide an alternate feature. Some may also...
Recooked files and renamed them properly, cause Foundry didn't pick them up and there was only one effect available
**What item is incorrect/missing?** Scanner, X-Ray Visor **What book is the item from? What page is it on? If possible, include an Archives of Nethys link** Starfinder Core Rulebook...