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`cast access-list` throws `intrinsic gas too low` error
Have you ensured that all of these are up to date?
- [X] Foundry
- [X] Foundryup
What version of Foundry are you on?
cast 0.2.0 (a119909 2022-09-14T17:09:21.826942Z)
What command(s) is the bug in?
cast access-list
Operating System
macOS (Intel)
Describe the bug
when I run cast access-list
, I get an error about intrinsic gas. Should be able to repro w the below command:
$ cast access-list --rpc-url mainnet 0x4f509fba9290dbabd0e07bf78cd01d5c7d6814e9 $(cast sig "withdraw()")
Error:(code: -32000, message: failed to apply transaction: 0x53cff0f41c897e189ada4e2a60c284d5ca432b34bf00d873aeb005ac2e75f693 err: intrinsic gas too low: have 0, want 21064, data: None)
Am able to reproduce with cast access-list --rpc-url $MAINNET_RPC_URL $(cast sig "withdraw()")
, throwing a similar error:
It throws: server returned an error response: error code -32000: failed to apply transaction: 0xdcf1cd2f26708a35d7686e3367ec8dbb928a93752521f7b4876339770576247f err: intrinsic gas too low: have 21000, want 21064
We're not even setting the gas limit:
serialized request request={"method":"eth_createAccessList","params":[{"from":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","to":"0x4f509fba9290dbabd0e07bf78cd01d5c7d6814e9","input":"0x3ccfd60b","chainId":"0x1"},"latest"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
Are we supposed to?
no, I ran this and this is failing on the eth_createAccessList call itself, looks like a server issue I think