x-plane-map-electron icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
x-plane-map-electron copied to clipboard

X-Plane-Map packaged into Electron

Repository archived

This repository holds the desktop app for airspaces.app.

The repository for the online version of Airspaces is located at foucdeg/airspaces. The desktop app is here, but no longer in active development. This is why this repository is archived.

For any questions, you are welcome to either post an issue on foucdeg/airspaces or send me an email at [email protected] .

Airspaces desktop app

User instructions

See the website and its source files.

Info for developers

This is an Electron desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux which displays simulated aircraft in X-Plane in real time. It runs with X-Plane 9 through 11.

It uses :

  • X-Plane's UDP data output for plane location
  • Leaflet for maps

It has multiplayer capabilities: provided that one computer receives the UDP packets from every pilot's X-Plane instance, it can serve the aircraft position data to everybody over HTTP.

On top of being a desktop app, it can also serve the client over HTTP to mobile devices.

Running locally

You need NodeJS v8 and Yarn latest.

git clone [email protected]:foucdeg/x-plane-map-electron.git # or your fork
cd x-plane-map-electron
# then in three distinct terminals:
yarn start # run Electron
yarn watch # rebuild js files on change
yarn fake # optional: simulates a plane flying over France at a rather high airspeed

Continuous delivery

CI/CD is set up : if you have an Appveyor and Travis.org account, you can make these platforms build the application and upload it to a draft Github release. They will do so under the following conditions:

  • a draft release is open
  • the version number for this draft release (e.g. v2.0.1) matches the version number in package.json in the pushed code (e.g. 2.0.1).

See https://www.electron.build/configuration/publish for more.