gci15.fossasia.org copied to clipboard
FOSSASIA Google Code-In Website 2015/16 http://gci15.fossasia.org
FOSSASIA GCI Site 2015/16
Run this website on Github
Fork this repo, and it should be on http://<username>.github.io/gci15.fossasia.org
Running the website on Local Machine
There are three steps involved:
1. Clone Repo
First of all you need to clone the repo. You can easily do this by running any one of the below listed commands:
git clone https://github.com/fossasia/gci15.fossasia.org.git
or own fork version
git clone https://github.com/<username>/gci15.fossasia.org.git
2. Install Jekyll
gem install bundler
gem install github-pages
Use sudo if there is any permission issue
3. Running website
cd gci15.fossasia.org
jekyll serve
Now you can open the website by opening any one of the following links:
Useful Git Tricks
see GIT.md
Adding Blog Posts
see blogpost.md
You can see the current website over here.