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Perform Dependency Upgrades and System Fixes
Perform the following upgrades and maintenance
- [ ] Replace slimit with https://pypi.org/project/rjsmin/
- [ ] Upgrade jQuery
- [ ] PDF: Upgrade fabric.js
- [ ] Upgrade package-lock to v2
- [ ] Get rid of unmaintained dependency python-u2flib-server
- [ ] Upgrade NodeJS
- [ ] Improve npm install call in pyproject.toml (previously setup.py)
- [ ] Update webauthn requirement from to ==2.0
- [ ] Update django-oauth-toolkit requirement to ==2.3.
- [ ] Upgrade celery to 5.4.*
- [ ] chardet to 5.2.*
- [ ] css-inline to 0.14.*
- [ ] django-bootstrap3 to 24.2
- [ ] django-compressor to 4.5
- [ ] django-countries to 7.6.*
- [ ] django-filter to 24.2
- [ ] django-formtools to 2.5.1
- [ ] django-hierarkey to 1.2.*
- [ ] django-hijack 3.5.*
- [ ] django-otp 1.5.*
- [ ] django-phonenumber-field 7.3.*
- [ ] django-statici18n 2.5.*
- [ ] djangorestframework 3.15.*
- [ ] importlib_metadata 8.*
- [ ] libsass 0.23.*
- [ ] markdown 3.6
- [ ] Pillow 10.3.*
- [ ] protobuf 5.27.*
- [ ] pycparser 2.22
- [ ] python-dateutil 2.9.*
- [ ] reportlab 4.2.*
- [ ] stripe 7.9.*
- [ ] tqdm 4.66.*
- [ ] webauthn 2.2.*
- [ ] fakeredis 2.23.*
- [ ] flake8 7.1.*
- [ ] isort 5.13.*
- [ ] pep8-naming 0.14.*
- [ ] pytest 8.2.*
- [ ] pytest-mock 3.14.*
- [ ] pytest-rerunfailures 14.*
- [ ] pytest-xdist 3.6.*
- [x] Keep dependencies in one place
- [x] Upgrade mt-940
- [x] Upgrade django-phonenumber-field
- [x] PDF: replace deprecated PdfMerger with PdfWriter
- [x] PDF: Upgrade PyPDF