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Build tool support
This is a collection of build tools we may potentially support:
- [x] .NET: NuGet
- [ ] C/C++: Buckaroo
- [ ] C/C++: Conan
- [ ] C/C++: Hunter
- [ ] C/C++: Meson
- [ ] C/C++: Vcpkg
- [ ] Clojure: Boot
- [ ] Clojure: Leiningen
- [ ] Cross-language: Bazel
- [x] Cross-language: Buck
- [ ] Cross-language: Pants
- [ ] Crystal: Shards
- [ ] D: DUB
- [ ] Dart: Pub
- [ ] Docker: Docker
- [ ] Elixir: Mix
- [ ] Elm: Elm
- [ ] Erlang: Rebar3
- [ ] Git: Git submodules
- [x] Go: dep
- [x] Go: GDM
- [x] Go: glide
- [x] Go: godep
- [x] Go: govendor
- [x] Go: GPM
- [x] Go: vndr
- [ ] Haskell: Cabal
- [ ] Haskell: Stack
- [ ] Haxe: Haxelib
- [x] iOS: Carthage
- [x] iOS: Cocoapods
- [x] Java: Ant
- [x] Java: Gradle
- [ ] Java: Ivy
- [x] Java: Maven
- [x] JavaScript: Bower
- [ ] JavaScript: Meteor
- [x] JavaScript: NPM
- [x] JavaScript: Yarn
- [ ] Julia: Julia
- [ ] Kubernetes: Helm
- [ ] MacOS: Brew
- [ ] Nim: Nimble
- [ ] NixOS: Nix
- [ ] Perl: CPAN
- [x] PHP: Composer
- [ ] Puppet: Forge
- [ ] Purescript: Pursuit
- [x] Python: pip
- [x] Python: pipenv
- [ ] Python: poetry
- [ ] R: CRAN
- [ ] Racket: Raco
- [x] Ruby: Bundler
- [ ] Rust: Cargo
- [ ] Scala: Mill
- [x] Scala: SBT
- [ ] Swift: SwiftPM
Vcpkg definitely supports C as well :)
Please add bazel
Just tested the FOSSA support for Rust on one of our open source projects that I imported and it seemed to work fine and analysed the Cargo dependencies.
But would be great to have it supported for provided builds / when building and analying explicitly with the CLI for private projects.
Poetry support requested on Issue #451
would love to see crystal / shards support, as listed above
On the homepage it says Rust/cargo is supported, but here it's not checked off?
Also +1 for poetry
! :)
+1 for Elixir / mix
+1 for Rust!
Could python pep582 support be added? Or if you want it more specific, a build tool such as that utilizies it.