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Code for ECCV 2020 paper "Hierarchical Visual-Textual Graph for Temporal Activity Localization via Language"
Code for ECCV 2020 paper "Hierarchical Visual-Textual Graph for Temporal Activity Localization via Language"
- Tensorflow
1.12 py3.6 cuda9.0_cudnn7.6.0
(for feature extraction and training) - Pytorch
1.0.0 py3.6 cuda9.0.176_cudnn7.4.1_1
(for ROI Align module) - Caffe
(for object ROI extraction)
0: Clone This Repo
Suppose we are in the HVTG/ folder.
1: Feature Extraction
1.1 Extract video frames
Download videos from Charades and ActivityNet.
It is simple to extract video frames with ffmpeg (We used version 4.1.3). Each video's frames should be put in a directory (e.g., $HOME/anet/frames/01vNlQLepsE
Make a list of all the directories, we can also split (using the split command) the list and do the following steps in parallel to speed things up.
1.2 Setup object detection code
Download the object detection code and model from this repository,
and compile and install the repo according to their guide.
Put the files in ./tools
into bottom-up-attention/tools
1.3 ROI extraction
Go to bottom-up-attention/tools. Run the script:
./roi_ext_per_vid.sh anet split_cha/cha_split_0 0
The parameters means dataset, path to frame directory list, and GPU id.
The extracted object ROIs will be stored in a directory, one pickled file per video. We'll need to merge them in to a single dictionary keyed with each video's id.
1.4 ROI feature extraction
Go to ./feat_ext. Download pretrained Inception-ResNet-v2 model here, and unzip and put it into ./ckpts
We need the ROI Align code from faster-rcnn.pytorch.
Download and compile it, and put the library path in roi_align_rpc_server.py
line 4.
Start the rpc server:
python roi_align_rpc_server.py rois_cha.pkl 1234
Start feature extraction:
python feat_extract_roi.py inception_resnet_v2 all_frames_cha.txt roi_feat_cha.hdf5 1234
The parameters means network type, list of video frames (full paths), h5 DB to store output features, and RPC port number.
The frame list can be produced with command like: find $HOME/cha/frames -type f
The resulting features are stored in a hdf5 file, each key 'videoID/frameID' corresponds to object features for that frame.
We need to merge the features of one video into a tensor shaped [# frames, # objects, # channels], and save as numpy file.
2: Train and Test
Go to ./hvtg. Download processed annotations and uncompress here. Processed ActivityNet annotations can be downloaded here.
2.1 Convert features format
For the sake of I/O efficiency, we need to convert the training data into tfrecord format.
Place the numpy features in ./data_cha/features/ir_roi
and make a directory ./data_cha/features/tfrecords_ir_roi
python make_tfrec.py --output_dir ./data_cha/features/tfrecords_ir_roi --max_sent_len 12 --max_feat_len 128
2.2 Train
python main_mgpu.py --model_name hvtg --net_type hvtg --mode train --dataset charades --data_dir ./data_cha --max_sent_len 12 --max_feat_len 128 --use_tfr True --batch_size 32 --optim adam --lr 0.0001 --max_epoch 100 --log_dir ./logs --num_gpu 2
2.3 Test
Select some model checkpoint in log_dir
and run:
python main_mgpu.py --model_name hvtg --net_type hvtg --mode test --batch_size 16 --num_gpu 1 --load_path ./logs/charades_hvtg/model-xxxxx
refers to a model checkpoint stored at training step xxxxx