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Gesso WordPress theme

Gesso for WordPress

A Sass-based starter block theme for WordPress 5.9+.


Getting Started

  1. npm ci
  2. [Optional] Rename the theme with npm run rename
  3. npm run dev
  4. Enable the theme

Building the theme

To build the theme for production (or to get your local up and running if you will not be working on the theme itself):

  1. npm ci
  2. npm run build


Design tokens

Gesso uses a configuration file source/00-config/ to manage the theme’s design tokens and automatically generate both the global sass map for styling and the theme.json file. The dev script will monitor changes in the config and rebuild all necessary assets. To rebuild the theme assets a single time run npm run build.


Gesso's theme.json file is automatically generated. Colors, font families, font sizes, and layout constrain widths are generated from the design tokens. Other theme.json customizations can be added to theme-settings.json. The theme.json file should not be modified directly as it'll be overwritten when npm run build runs. Instead, modify the design tokens or place your changes in theme-settings.json. For more about what can be configured with theme.json, see the Block Editor Handbook.


Sass can be compiled as part of the global styles.css file or to individual CSS files for use in a block style.

@use is used to import Sass variables, mixins, and/or functions into individual SCSS files. @import is discouraged by the Sass team and will eventually be phased out. This means that most files will start with @use '00-config' as *;. This allows you to use the design token accessor functions without an additional namespace. Other functions and mixins can be used similarly. Note that to avoid namespace collisions, only theme-related variables, mixins, and functions should be used with *.

All Sass files that are compiled to individual CSS files must have a unique filename, even if they are in different directories.

Global styles

Prefix the name of your Sass file with _, e.g. _card.scss. Add it to the appropriate aggregate file (i.e. _components.scss).

Individual block styles

DO NOT prefix the name of your Sass file with _, e.g. menu.scss. Import the config and global aggregate files. Add your CSS file to the wp_next_theme_block_assets function inside functions.php:

wp_enqueue_block_style('f1-block-library/standalone-link', [
  'handle' => 'wp-next-theme-standalone-link',
  'src' => get_theme_file_uri('build/css/standalone-link.css'),
  'path' => get_theme_file_path('build/css/standalone-link.css')

Omit the path line if the WordPress should not be able to choose whether to inject the styles via a <style></style> tag instead of loading an external file. You may need to remove that line if you find that image paths break when the CSS is injected. See the WordPress dev note for more on loading block styles.

Block Styles

Block Styles can be registered or unregistered in the source/editor-styles.js. This script is loaded whenever the Block Editor is loaded. For more about Block Styles, see the Block Editor Handbook.


Linting is done with Prettier, ESLint, and Stylelint. Linting follows the WordPress standards, with some rules disabled where needed to resolve conflicts between tools (mostly Prettier and Stylelint) or between linting standards and the theme design tokens.

Design Token Functions

The following Sass functions can be used to access the tokens defined in

gesso-box-shadow($shadow) Output a shadow value from the box-shadow token list


box-shadow: gesso-box-shadow(1);

gesso-brand($color, $variant) Output a color value from the palette brand token list


color: gesso-brand(blue, light);

gesso-color($type, $subtype) Output a color value from the colors token list


color: gesso-color(text, primary);

gesso-constrain($constrain) Output a size value from the constrains token list


max-width: gesso-constrain(sm);

gesso-duration($duration) Output a timing value from the transitions duration token list


transition-duration: gesso-duration(short);

gesso-easing($easing) Output an easing value from the transitions ease token list


transition-timing-function: gesso-easing(ease-in-out);

gesso-font-family($family) Output a stack value from the font-family token list


font-family: gesso-font-family(primary);

gesso-font-size($size) Output a size value from the font-size token list

example (combined with the rem() function to convert to rems):

font-size: rem(gesso-font-size(2));

gesso-font-weight($weight) Output a weight value from the font-weight token list


font-weight: gesso-font-weight(semibold);

gesso-grayscale($color) Output a color value from the palette grayscale token list


color: gesso-grayscale(gray-2);

gesso-line-height($height) Output a height value from the line-height token list


line-height: gesso-line-height(tight);

gesso-spacing($spacing) Output a size value from the spacing token list

example (combined with the rem() function to convert to rems):

margin-bottom: rem(gesso-spacing(md));

gesso-z-index($index) Output an index value from the z-index token list


z-index: gesso-z-index(modal);

Design Tokens in JavaScript

The values in Gesso's configuration file are also exported to JavaScript objects so that the same values can be used in CSS and JS. The JS objects can be found in js/src/constants/_GESSO.es6.js. This file is also rebuilt whenever gulp or gulp build is run.

For example, to use a breakpoint in a script:

import { BREAKPOINTS } from '../constants/_GESSO.es6';

if (window.matchMedia(`min-width: ${BREAKPOINTS.desktop}`).matches) {
  // Some script that should only run on larger screens.

This will use the same breakpoint as breakpoint(gesso-breakpoint(desktop)) in your Sass.

If your token value is a Sass function, the JavaScript will use the fallback value, if available. If there is no fallback value, the token will be omitted from the JavaScript objects. In general, if you want to share a value between CSS and JavaScript, you should use simple strings or numbers.

Width Based Media Queries

Gesso uses custom mixins to specify viewport width based media queries:

  • breakpoint: min-width queries
  • breakpoint-max: max-width queries
  • breakpoint-min-max: queries with both a min and max width

Each mixin takes one or two width parameters, which can be a straight value (e.g., 800px, 40em) or a design token value called using the gesso-breakpoint function (e.g., gesso-breakpoint(tablet-lg)). The breakpoint-max and breakpoint-min-max mixins can also take an optional parameter to subtract one pixel from the max-width value, which can be useful when you want your query to go up to the value but not to include it, such as when using WordPress breakpoint variables.

You can also use the width-based breakpoint mixins defined in @wordpress/base-styles, alongside the breakpoint variables. We recommend using those instead of defining your own for consistency between theme styling and plugin styling.

$break-huge: 1440px;
$break-wide: 1280px;
$break-xlarge: 1080px;
$break-large: 960px; // admin sidebar auto folds
$break-medium: 782px; // adminbar goes big
$break-small: 600px;
$break-mobile: 480px;
$break-zoomed-in: 280px;

@include breakpoint($width) { // styles } Output a min-width based media query.


@include breakpoint(800px) {
  display: flex;

@include breakpoint($break-medium) {
  display: none;

@include break-small {
  display: grid;

@include breakpoint-max($width, $subtract_1_from_max) { // styles } Output a max-width based media query. The optional $subtract_1_from_max parameter will subtract 1px from the width value if set to true (default: false).


@include breakpoint-max(900px) {
  display: block;

@include breakpoint-max($break-small, true) {
  display: none;

@include breakpoint-min-max($min-width, $max-width, $subtract_1_from_max) { // styles } Output a media query with both a min-width and max-width. The optional $subtract_1_from_max parameter will subtract 1px from the max-width value if set to true (default: false).


@include breakpoint-min-max(400px, 700px) {
  display: flex;

@include breakpoint-min-max($break-small, $break-medium, true) {
  display: block;

Wordpress Template Hierarchy, Template Parts & Full Site Editor

The gesso theme has been structured to not leverage the Wordpress Full Site Editor at this time. It does, however, leverage template parts, allowing the block editor management of templates and their structural parts. A suite of baseline template parts have been created for each of the base PHP templates within the theme and can be found in the parts/ folder.

If you wish to leverage the Full Site Editor functionality, you can make the following modifications to the gesso theme structure. Please note that at this time, there are concerns around certain aspects of deployment procedures with database specific references (such as navigation blocks). Unless there is a strong case to leverage FSE, it is advised to opt for just leveraging the template parts at this time.

To leverage the Full Site Editor:

  1. Create a directory in the root of the gesso theme named 'templates'
  2. Copy all html files from within the 'parts' directory (with the exception of header.html and footer.html) and move them into your new 'templates' directory. You will need to reference the header.html and footer.html parts within your html files now in the templates/ folder. You can do this in the UI.
  3. Create a new file called index.html and place it within the 'templates' directory.
  4. All PHP files corresponding to one within the 'templates' or 'parts' directories, located in theme root, can be deleted.
  5. Remove add_theme_support('menus'); and add_theme_support( 'block-template-parts' ); within functions.php

Block Patterns

Gesso now also supports the template structure to automatically pull in rendered Block Patterns. When creating a Block Patter, you can store the markup and block definitions as individual files within the 'pattern' directory.

Custom Gutenberg Blocks

When starting your new Wordpress project, you may have a need to register custom blocks for your site's theme. Prior to starting new, first take a look at the available blocks located within the f1-block-library. If the blocks there do not suffice, the Forum One github repository also contains a starter block plugin that you can install and use to house all custom blocks.