dear author, I download the **BSDSdatasets MCG Proposals** in link: the file in each mat including: 1. superpixels:481*321 uint16 2. scores: 6340*1 double 3. labels: 6340*1 cell i have...
i download the code in my ubuntu environment. i want to reproduce the segmentation result in paper, so i choose the **pre-trained** document first, i run install.m eveything is ok....
I try using ohem in my model, argument i set probility is 0.7 and k is 100000,but i find it not work and the result is become worse. i experiment...
i want to see the testing result based your model, but my pc without can this code(testing section) be run in cpu?
Hi, thank for your nice work and job. After reading your code, i have a little question. can you share the code how to compute the mIoU in unsupervised way,...