ngFormBuilder copied to clipboard
ckeditor error
I've got an error after enabling «Enable WYWIWYG» checkbox in text area component.
How can I fix this?
I've also got this problem, can we expect a fix for this anytime soon?
Hi guys, it will be fixed soon. You can use the full Ckeditor library. And that fixed it.
Hi guys. Problem in this line: because
May be just set ng-model="fakeModel" in problem line?
But "Enable WYWIWYG" have another two problems:
- if you turn on, and click "Save", textarea field on form dont transform to ckeditor, before you dont reload page.
- when textarea render on real form, it use another WYWIWYG editor - quilljs. But in builder you can config only ckeditor settings. Proof:
WHYYYY?! How do I use the same editor in both places?
How I have solved the problem:
- As @edwinanciani advised I added full Ckeditor library.
- As @ahramcov advised I added ng-model="component.content" here:
- I have also added this property (content) to the settings object in my component: