Jesse Cox
Jesse Cox
@KrauseFx Is there anyone else that should review this? @dennisreimann perhaps? I know he's done quite a bit of work on this branch getting it ready for 1.0. I just...
@dennisreimann Its no problem, I know everyone has other work to do. I'm a firm believer in constructive feedback so, whenever you get the free time, let me know if...
@dennisreimann No, it wasn't a conscious decision, just my newbness showing. I'll change it to where they're loaded lazily. You mention the weight of the code. Is the included framework...
@dennisreimann @mRs- @KrauseFx Did some redesign. I removed the `TSMessage (Sounds)` category (and all the messy static variables that went along with it), and added a `TSMessageDelegate` protocol with optional...
I'm very glad y'all like it! This is only the second time I've made a contribution to a project like this, and the constructive feedback offered is an incredible help....
I found the 1.0 milestone after I submitted that comment, and removed that question since I figured I'd found it, lol. A roadmap or issue would be awesome. This project...
Anything else y'all would like to see added/changed before I quit messing with it? A Swift version perhaps? :) (That may take a little time though, being that I have...