quill-delta-python copied to clipboard
Support for docx export
Hi, Thank you for this port, it really helped me! I had to embed a Quill diff into a MS Word document, I would like to share some lines in case you want to add this export format :
from docx import Document
from delta import Delta
import io, base64
doc = Document()
for delta, attrs, index in Delta(test_ops).iter_lines():
p = doc.add_paragraph()
for op in delta.ops:
insert_value = op.get('insert')
attributes = op.get('attributes', {})
if isinstance(insert_value, str) and insert_value:
text = insert_value
if 'header' in attrs:
doc.add_heading(text, level=attrs['header'])
if 'list' in attrs:
list_style = 'List Number' if attrs['list'] == 'ordered' else 'List Bullet'
if 'indent' in attrs:
list_style += f" {int(attrs['indent']) + 1}"
p.style = list_style
run = p.add_run(text)
if 'script' in attributes:
if attributes['script'] == 'sub':
run.subscript = True
if attributes['script'] == 'super':
run.superscript = True
run.strike = attributes.get('strike', False)
run.bold = attributes.get('bold', False) or attributes.get('strong', False)
run.italic = attributes.get('italic', False) or attributes.get('em', False)
run.underline = attributes.get('underline', False)
elif isinstance(insert_value, dict):
if 'image' in insert_value:
image_content = insert_value["image"]
prefix = "data:image/png;base64,"
if image_content.startswith(prefix):
image_bytes = base64.b64decode(image_content[len(prefix):])
image_stream = io.BytesIO(image_bytes)
Here it is, nothing really complicated indeed :-) If you are interested, I could try to write something similar to the html exporter, just let me know ;)
All the best