Results 69 comments of Filipe Pina

thanks for the quick response @prateekbh where is the branch/tag 1.6.0 so I can start by changing that one (as it's the one I use in my app)? Then I...

I’ll make the PR on branch 2, but I need to make the changes to 1.X as well, as that’s what I’m using. Though I don’t see a 1.6.0 tag...

So #1338 and #1339 done to cover 1.x and 2.0. I've opted for a new component `ItemMetaText` over a flag in the existing one as that'd require more changes (break...

And, sort of off topic, I was trying to build the tarball for my branch such as the one published in npmjs, but I can't find the command (new to...

Thanks @cromefire got my tarball now (quick responses!) > `1.X` is in `master` Regarding this, so no idea where to get the version 1.6.0 that is available in npmjs...

Is this meant to stop receiving new tasks but let current ones finish? Would it still be able to update leader with jobs output with raft shutdown?

like #808 this should have been fixed by #983

Note to self: leaving this issue open to implement checks for these cases - DB type different than unsaved field type (setting to '1' and IntegerField returns 1 from DB)

You can't, same as with `bulk_create`, `bulk_update` or even with normal `.save()` You can however use the callback or the returned objects to update those fields after. I'll add example...

Indeed, you’ll have to keep track of that matching somewhere. I’ve done in before using the same unique field of each record as a dict key and a list of...