Pluto.jl copied to clipboard
WIP: Eventually consistent multiplayer π€
Still very wip. Different take at #1729.
- [x] Entering Unicode characters
- [ ] Evaluates the size of updates array after a while and maybe drop old updates.
- [x] Playing nice with FileWatching (is it possible?)
- [x] The client is not always synced when sending
-a cell [ ] Global state manager - [x] Rebasing updates on the server to not refuse client updates.
- [ ] Make running a cell as simple as dispatching a Run effect, this means that
we can get the history up until a run. Also this is a similar mechanism to #2542 where we can merge run updates.
will just a be a revision in the codemirror update history. - [ ] Send JuliaSyntax.jl diagnostics as transaction effects from the server.
- [x] Investigate using Deltas in the backend instead of manipulating codemirror update types.
- [x] Add possibility to select/change name and show other people's name
- [ ] Rework code differs since it now relies on the server synced version (use cell local state instead).
- [ ] Save last_run_code instead of code? Solution: save the code as cell metadata if they are not the same and when loading take this into account.
Cursor stuff:
- [x] Don't show your own cursor.
- [x] Only show focused cursor.
- [x] Integrate with for client disconnects (hiding cursors), etc...
- [x] Register pinot
See Pinot.jl.
Try this Pull Request!
Open Julia and type:
julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(temp=true)
julia> Pkg.add(url="", rev="pb/ot")
julia> using Pluto
Hey there! Small question: how can I decide to run this branch of Pluto on Binder?
Forking on making a tag should work? Note that the branch is not in an optimal state yet, but I plan on making it mergeable in the coming months (hopefully mid-november).
Say I wanna use it mid-october for my MIT classes, what should I be wary of? Would you recommend just using main
If this is for collaborative editing (typing text simultaneously in the same cell), this branch should be better if the latency is high as text edits will eventually become consistent between clients (excluding any deal-breaking bugs). If this is for interactively editing bind widgets, both branch will have the same result (last update wins).
It's a bit of both. I would like to do exercises where one group writes a function and the other one writes tests, for example, which should work better on this branch. But I would also like to try live polling, with one checkbox per student. In that case, is it better to put each checkbox in a separate Pluto cell? My current version (full notebook code below) has them all together because it's easier to automate, I wouldn't know how to create new cells programmatically.
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.19.28
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el)
# βββ‘ 9b33bfd6-5f6e-11ee-2e87-95b559169392
using Plots
using PlutoUI
using PlutoTeachingTools
using StatsBase
# βββ‘ 985d1932-b58b-46e5-a623-26fb79827707
# βββ‘ 1ad819c2-15b9-4a51-aabf-43f6cc26a3de
# Interactive polling
# βββ‘ 657af9d8-5af5-4f10-9022-0ec823ec8ced
## Utils
# βββ‘ 91dba3b4-5721-410e-875f-6392ee41a672
randname(n) = rand('A':'Z') * join(rand('a':'z', n-1))
# βββ‘ df2dd44a-d778-4106-86f8-b9c8ccfdd515
fieldsvec(obj::T) where {T} = [getfield(obj, name) for name in fieldnames(T)]
# βββ‘ 5c03e8fe-5637-4961-b064-93eebdeaed33
function poll(names::Vector, question::Function)
return PlutoUI.combine() do Child
children = [Child(Symbol(i), question()) for i in eachindex(names)]
inputs = [md" $n : $c" for (n, c) in zip(names, children)]
TwoColumn(md"$(inputs[begin:endΓ· 2])", md"$(inputs[endΓ·2+1:end])")
# βββ‘ 2a959431-0b79-4423-bb9e-e81b75bc1d0b
function plot_counts(answers)
answers_counts = countmap(answers)
x = collect(keys(answers_counts))
y = collect(values(answers_counts))
x, y;
label=nothing, xlabel="Answer", ylabel="Count", size=(400, 200)
# βββ‘ 20d3cb52-d709-41ce-971f-04e65ba7b896
function plot_dist(answers)
label=nothing, xlabel="Answer", ylabel="Count", size=(400, 200)
# βββ‘ 545ab109-6295-469e-8df1-01c49b78634b
## Names
# βββ‘ 426da1c4-32e9-4d86-90df-b4d705d3fe20
@bind nb_students confirm(NumberField(1:50, default=10))
# βββ‘ 8b687550-7e2f-48e1-8430-7810ba1d2d0a
@bind names_obj poll(
"Student " .* string.(1:nb_students),
() -> TextField(default=randname(10))
# βββ‘ 7c7df57f-fd99-44fd-bbfb-befdbfea19ea
names = filter(!(isempty), fieldsvec(names_obj))
# βββ‘ ec6c7300-ec3d-4b72-9a8c-fd11ad5e957c
## Multiple choice question
# βββ‘ d16a497b-f00f-4bbf-8cf4-bc1bd00324f4
**What is your favorite fruit?**
# βββ‘ 079c416c-e0a7-4ef0-98d7-c74b9eb24f87
@bind fruits_obj poll(names, () -> Select(["apple", "banana", "strawberry"]))
# βββ‘ 95fcfa4b-fa31-4322-84cc-7a673932d5d0
fruits = fieldsvec(fruits_obj)
# βββ‘ 0929e204-50aa-472c-b0cd-433b28b09a45
## Quantitative question
# βββ‘ 39e8ee8c-ff08-4551-8004-938245b5e596
@bind estimates_obj poll(names, () -> Slider(0:10, default=5, show_value=true))
# βββ‘ 497e76ed-2143-4a83-88f9-3d76aa5ca4c6
estimates = fieldsvec(estimates_obj)
# βββ‘ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
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# βββ‘ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
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# ββ00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
# ββ00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
@gdalle Could you write down your experience from using this in class recently?
I actually used the latest release branch since you told me not to worry about concurrent updates with such a small group. I made a fool of myself and I'm not gonna try it in class anymore, at least not without proper testing with multiple people
In case you're interested in additional feedback, I tried this branch out for the possibility of using it in class (because I teach a class where students work on the notebooks in groups), but it seemed to make all the plots in the notebook really small, so I gave up.
but it seemed to make all the plots in the notebook really small, so I gave up.
Maybe this was a manifestation of as this PR was stale for a while?
Regarding the state of this PR, it still is wip as I am not satistified with the current synchronisation model (rejecting updates for out-of-sync clients) and there are still many todos left. But student group work remains the primarly motivation for having something like this and we also have plans to simplify sharing server URLs across networks (Γ la live-share). Hopefully we can ship this feature in the next few months to provide a better collaborative notebook experience.
@Pangoraw any plans as to what are you considering for your "simplify sharing server URLs across networks" feature? That would be incredibly helpful for me as well.
Basically, it can get tricky to share your server url to people outside of your LAN (requires opening ports) so the plan is to create a proxy server which is available from everywhere which works like ngrok or bore but at the websocket level specifically for Pluto. I already have a prototype for the server (to use with the ws_proxy branch) but we would like to have this PR merged and maybe other security features first (notebook-level tokens, permissions,...) before finishing it so that the collaborative experience is already great.
Example recording which includes text cursor + mouse cursor from the presenter: