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A bug, missing information and some suggestions
First I wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work in putting together and updating this website to help players reference and theorycraft! In using the site, I noticed several places that were missing information and provided the answers when I knew them. I also found a bug which makes the site difficult for me to use as well as a couple of suggestions.
Bug: CTRL+F searching doesn’t work properly and won't search the entire page for a term. I think because of the scrollable bars for each item, because it searches correctly on the prefixes and suffixes page which doesn’t have them.
Missing things:
- the real name for tagWeapon_pieces_axe,
- Grim Companion (Club) has no requirements listed,
- Titanwatch Helm weren’t in the original game, so maybe mark the as AE? (if they aren’t Ragnarok or Atlantis)
- Anti-Magic Robes weren’t in the original game, so maybe mark the as AE? (if they aren’t Ragnarok or Atlantis)
- Prometheus Greaves weren’t in the original game, so maybe mark the as AE? (if they aren’t Ragnarok or Atlantis)
- Arcane Purifier weren’t in the original game, so maybe mark the as AE? (if they aren’t Ragnarok or Atlantis)
- Seal of the Vigilant weren’t in the original game, so maybe mark the as AE? (if they aren’t Ragnarok or Atlantis)
Missing Set Bonuses:
- King Agenor's Gilded Plates (2, 3, 5)
- Philip's Legacy (states it’s out of 6, but since you can’t ever equip more than 5, should it be listed as such?)
- Shinobi Shozoku (2, 3, 4, 6),
- The Shade (2)
No listed affixes for:
- Shields: Triton’s Shield
- Helms: Gaian Veil
- Arms: Gaian Armelts
- Rings: Ammon’s Magnificence, Benthic Band, Devonian Relic, Dropides’ Heirloom, Gem of Dione, Haline Hoop, Hellanicus’ Fidget Ring, Seal of Russadir, Shine of Pandia, Symbol of Tanit,
- Amulets: Circe’s Charm, Heart of the Ocean, Holy Symbol of Baal, Kallistei, Pendent of Clymene, Pleione, Shimmer of Hybris, Teeth of Lotan, Theia’s Sight, Wrath of Hadad
No Loot Tables:
Head: Agenor's Frill, Ba'als Fire, Bandit King's Cover, Battle Crown of Danaus, Cap of Thamyris, Clashing Hood, Cretaceous Cap, Crown of the Liche King (all versions)(dropped by Abyssal Liches per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Deerstalker Hat (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Doomfang Diadem (all versions), Headband (I’m just guessing, but it can probably also be found in the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage), Helm of the Aquanaut, Hood of Illusions, Philip's Leadership, Porphyrion's Helm (all versions)(dropped by Gigantes per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Santa's Hat (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Tarwater's Shade (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Tiara of the Emerald Seas, Titanwatch Helm, Tricorne Hat (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage),
Arm: Agenor's Bangles, Blackbeard's Hook (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Claws of Molech, Cretaceous Clips, Detective's Gloves (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Grapplers of the Aquanaut, Melquart's Works, Philip's Reforms, Porphyrion's Gauntlets (all versions)(dropped by Gigantes per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Santa's Gloves (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Sidonian Gauntlets, Sweat Bands (I’m just guessing, but it can probably also be found in the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage),
Torso: Agave's Embroidered Shawl, Agenor's Runeplate, Anti-Magic Robes, Blackbeard's Coat (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Bonecaster Shawl (all versions), Clashing Suit, Cretaceous Spikes, Dark Shroud of Leto, Detective's Greatcoat (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Ferrus Gnosi, Hull of the Aquanaut, Lorica of the Waves, Nautilus Harness (Normal: Clackersnap ~ Crablin Hero Normal Equiped 1.186%), Philip's Unity, Porphyrion's Breastplate (all versions)(dropped by Gigantes per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Quiver of N'Imh (all versions)(dropped by Ratmen per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Running Jacket (I’m just guessing, but it can probably also be found in the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage), Santa's Winter Coat (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Vagabond's Shirt (all versions)(dropped by Ratmen per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage),
Legs: Agenor's Anklets, Ba'als Way, Bear Rider's Leggings (Legendary: Chief Nunatak ~ Whitefur Yerren Hero Legendary Equiped 0.249% Jormun the Glacier ~ Whitefur Yerren Hero Legendary Equiped 0.249%), Blackbeard's Booties (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Boots of the Aquanaut, Calves of Enceladus, Cretaceous Stumps, Demonskin Walkers, Detective's Spats (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Eshmun's Blessings, Philip's March, Philyra's Gift, Porphyrion's Legplates (all versions)(dropped by Gigantes per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Prometheus Greaves, Revenant Greaves (all versions)(dropped by Gilded Skeletons per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Santa's Boots (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Tarwater's Kickers (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), The Dark Depths, Track Pants (I’m just guessing, but it can probably also be found in the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage),
Axes: Ancient Tartessian Rune Axe (all versions), Crescent of Justice, Mithon-El, Morte's Answer, Phonoi (all versions)(dropped by Machae per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), tagWeapon_pieces_axe (?), Troll's Splitter (all versions),
Spears: Amber Herald, Goldfang Barb (all versions), Hippolyta's Bladestaff, Ichthian Spine (all versions)(dropped by Ichthians per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Mbuti's Advocate (all versions)(dropped by Anourans per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Reefguard's Spike (all versions), The Onyx Torch,
Bows: Bone Bow (all versions), Bramblewood Bow (all versions)(dropped by Anourans per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Brigand's Bow (all versions)(dropped by Satyrs per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Doomfang's Striker (all versions), Michanismos, Philip's Reach, Reefguard's Projector (all versions), Shark Spine, Triton's Launcher (all versions),
Staves: * (this is the snowball and I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Goroggos, Hydromancer's Focus (all versions), Ker's Fetish (all versions)(dropped by Keres per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Scepter of the Liche King (all versions)(dropped by Abyssal Liches per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Sign of the Telkines, Triteia's Staff (all versions), Wrath of Thalassa,
Clubs: Ancient Tartessian Mace (all versions), Arcane Purifier, Bludgeon of True Sight (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Grim Companion, Hydraulic Hammer, Karrok, Philip's Swift Justice, Santa's Cane (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Scepter of Atlantis, Seal of Disapproval, Sword Fish, The Fomorian, The Radula, The Sword in the Stone, Troll's Basher (all versions),
Swords: Ancient Tartessian Blade (all versions), Brightblade, Cuttlebone Xiphos, Dagger of Dawn, Dragonbone Blade, Dvergr-Forged Longsword (all versions), Key of Beritos, Stormbane, Sword of Sargon, Tachylite Kopis, Troll's Cutter (all versions),
Shields: Agenor's Conundrum, Aionios, Exotic Carapace (all versions)(dropped by Tropical Arachnos per TQ Equipment Database Extended, but don’t know the percentage), Ichthian Shell (all versions), Reefguard's Barrier (Legendary version, should be Coral King ~ Coral Guardian Hero Legendary Equiped 0.497%), Santa's Peppermint (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), Seal of the Vigilant, Shield of Xaghra, The Greg (I know it drops from the treasure chest at the end of the Secret Passage, but don’t know the percentage), The Sleeper,
Throwing (all of the Monster Infrequents): Amazigh Knife, Daggertooth, Deep Sea Dart (all versions), Demonic Rippers (all versions), Dune Raider Knives (all versions), Dvergr Runestones (all versions), Einherjar Hammers (all versions), Fangtooth, Gills of Tiamat, Golden Kris, Hati, Hyas' Dagger, Jackalman Sling (all versions), Jaguar Claws (all versions), Mongol Chakrams (all versions), Redfist Twin Dart (all versions), Skeletal Darts (all versions), The Red Fangs,
Amulets: Bandit King's Treasure, Circe's Charm, Heart of the Ocean, Holy Symbol of Baal, Kallistei, Pendant of Clymene, Pleione, Shimmer of Hybris, Teeth of Lotan, Theia's Sight, Wrath of Hadad, Ammon's Magnificence, Andvaranaut, Ba'als Signet, Benthic Band, Devonian Relic, Dropides' Heirloom, Gem of Dione, Haline Hoop, Hellanicus' Fidget Ring, Seal of Russadir, Shine of Pandia, Symbol of Tanit,
Relics: Embodiment of the Power of Nerthus, Essence of the Power of Nerthus, Incarnation of the Power of Nerthus,
Charms: Atlantean Artifice, Crystal of Erebus (100% off a Shard of Erebus, no quest needed), Epic Atlantean Artifice, Epic Crystal of Erebus (100% off an Epic Shard of Erebus, no quest needed), Epic Peng Claw, Legendary Atlantean Artifice, Legendary Crystal of Erebus (100% off a Legendary Shard of Erebus, no quest needed), Legendary Peng Claw, Peng Claw,
Scrolls: Divine Scroll of a Thousand Blades, Divine Scroll of Bloodrage, Divine Scroll of Creeping Death, Divine Scroll of Mirrors, Divine Scroll of Persuasion, Divine Scroll of Primal Chaos, Divine Scroll of the Breaking Wheel, Divine Scroll of the Maddened God, Divine Scroll of the Meteor, Divine Scroll of the Storm Witches, Divine Scroll of the Sun's Blessing, Divine Scroll of the Svefnthorn, Divine Scroll of Unbroken Fortitude, Greater Scroll of a Thousand Blades, Greater Scroll of Bloodrage, Greater Scroll of Creeping Death, Greater Scroll of Mirrors, Greater Scroll of Persuasion, Greater Scroll of Primal Chaos, Greater Scroll of the Breaking Wheel, Greater Scroll of the Ice Nova, Greater Scroll of the Meteor, Greater Scroll of the Necromancer, Greater Scroll of the Stalwart Alliance, Greater Scroll of the Storm Witches, Greater Scroll of the Sun's Blessing, Greater Scroll of the Svefnthorn, Greater Scroll of Unbroken Fortitude, Greater Scroll of Vengeance, Scroll of a Thousand Blades, Scroll of Arcane Power, Scroll of Bloodrage, Scroll of Creeping Death, Scroll of Mirrors, Scroll of Persuasion, Scroll of Primal Chaos, Scroll of the Breaking Wheel, Scroll of the Ice Nova, Scroll of the Meteor, Scroll of the Stalwart Alliance, Scroll of the Storm Witches, Scroll of the Sun's Blessing, Scroll of the Svefnthorn, Scroll of the Warrior's Song, Scroll of Unbroken Fortitude,
By the way, when I reference the treasure chest at the end of the secret passage, this is my reference.
Suggestions: I think this has already been suggested, but being able to search by DLC (For instance searching through all Ragnarok items) could be really helpful. You also might want to fill in “Craftable - 100%” for the loot tables of all artifacts.
Thanks again for all you do and I hope the hours I spent going through your resources can help fill in some gaps and make this site complete!
Wow! Thanks for all the bug reporting, I'll go through it with a comb when I have some time and fix all of your reported issues.
Hi fons,
A couple of clarifications and suggestions: Originally, I had tried using the built in search bar across the top, and mistakenly thought it did not work (which is why I tried using CTRL + F). The confusion on my part came from the fact that "Bonus to All Pets:" is not actually considered a checkable affix in the search bar, and thus if searched nothing comes up. I assumed that meant that the search only searched the NAMES of items, not the affixes, and thus was not really useful to me. Can you try to add the "Bonus to All Pets:" as a searchable command to the search bar?
I also noticed that you have a static top navigation bar (which I love), but for some reason, the "R" and "A" DLC labels actually bleed through the static top bar (I'm guessing it is because the DLC labels are set to ne the farthest in the foreground and need to be set back a layer or two).
One final request is I was wondering if you can change the page titles to match the categories or items they show instead of "TQDatabase v1.3.9 - Extensive database for Titan Quest: Ragnarok". If trying to bookmark these things, it saves people a lot of time in trying to find the right item (instead of having to manually edit every link created, or just open them all looking for the correct one).
Thanks again!
Scratch that, the search doesn't really work. I tried searching simply for "damage" and is seems to come up with no results on several different categories.
It works, but there are 2 different ways how the search bar works:
- Type in any item attribute you're looking for, for example "damage", DON'T press enter, and the current page will be filtered.
- Type in a name of an item you're looking for and press enter to search for it.
"tagWeapon_pieces_axe" appears to be related to the tutorial in Ragnarok. Specifically, in the file data/resources/en/x2tutorial.txt
there are:
tagArmorSet_Pieces=Pieces Awsome Gear
tagArmorSet_Pieces_Descr=Pieces Awsome Gear... descrtiption
tagArmor_Pieces_Amulet=PI Amulet
tagArmor_pieces_greaves=PI Greaves
tagArmor_pieces_helm=PI Helmet
tagArmor_pieces_torso=PI Torso
tagWeapon_pieces_axe=PI Axe
tagWeapon_pieces_axe_throw=PI Throwing Axe
tagArmor_pieces_bracers=PI Bracers
That file is not currently in the list of files to parse for localized strings.
I don't have the Ragnarok expansion... do you know if it is even possible to get those items in the actual game? Or is that scoped only to a tutorial. If it's tutorial-only, perhaps it should be excluded from the output?