goodtok icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A better shopping experience 🤙


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Goodtok helps businesses enhance their customer service right from their website. The video application lets customers connect with your staff in real time. You can integrate this simple and easy-to-use application into any website.

This project is just starting and is not ready for production use yet 🚧

Table of Contents

  • Give a star!
  • Installation
  • Development Mode
  • Usage
  • Architecture
  • Contact us
  • Bugs and Feature Requests
  • Contributing
  • Authors
  • License

Give a star! ⭐

It would mean a lot to me if you could give this project a star. It helps me identify if I'm doing a good job or not. Also, it helps me attract potential contributors and users. 🙏


We are aiming to make this as easy as possible to install. For now, you can use the following instructions to get started.

First, create a new directory called goodtok and change to that directory:

mkdir goodtok
cd goodtok

Next, create a .env file with the following content:

# General config

# Initial store owner credentials
#   The server will create a new owner if the email does not exist
#   The password will be updated if the email exists
[email protected]

# PeerJs Server config
# Ucomment to use custom ICE servers
# ICE_SERVERS_CONFIG='[{"urls": ""}, {"urls": "", "username": "xirsys", "credential": "xirsys"}]'

# SMTP config
[email protected]
SMTP_SENDER=Goodtok Info <[email protected]>

# Database and encryption config
# Create a new encryption key with cloack (

# Uncomment to enable custom email templates
#  See mods/apiserver/src/notifications/templates for available templates
#  If not set, the default templates will be used
# EMAIL_TEMPLATES_DIR=/path/to/email/templates

Finally, run the following command to start the application:

curl -o ./compose.yaml
docker compose up -d

The previous command will start all the services, including the Front Office. You can then open the application at http://localhost:8080 and access the dashboard.

Development mode with Gitpod

Goodtok's one-click interactive deployment will familiarize you with the server in development mode.

Open in Gitpod


In the website where you want to integrate Goodtok, you will need to add the following script tag:

<!-- Goodtok video client -->
<!-- Goodtok video client end -->

The key is a base64 encoded value containing the account gtid and server of your Goodtok instance. You can generate this value by running the following command:

# The gtid corresponds to the workspace id in the Goodtok dashboard
echo -n '{"gtid":"g-7b7c46fb05","server":"http://localhost:6789/v1"}' | base64

If no server is specified, the client will default to

A customer token is a JSON Web Token with necessay claims to authenticate the user and connect to the signaling server. Here is an example of the claims for a customer token:

  "ref": "iypok",
  "customerId": "iypok",
  "workspaceId": "g-7b7c46fb05",
  "calendarUrl": "",
  "signalingHost": "",
  "signalingPort": 443,
  "iceServers": {...}
  "metadata": {
    "name": "Peter",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "message": "Test message"
  "iat": 1701740245,
  "exp": 1701826645

When no customer token is provided, the video widget will show a form, requesting the user to enter their name, email and a message. The video widget will then request an anonymous token from the server. When possible we recommend you to provide a customer token to the video widget to avoid the form.

To learn more about customer tokens, see the customer tokens section in the documentation.


Goodtok uses a combination of open source tools to provide a video application that can be integrated into any website. If the tools exist and it is well maintained, we will use and support that tool. If the tool doesn't exist, we build and open source it ourselves.

Goodtok is a hosted platform. You can sign up and start using Goodtok without installing anything. You can also self-host and develop locally.

  • Postgres is a popular open source database with a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness.
  • tRPC is a library for building end-to-end type-safe APIs with TypeScript and Node.js. We connect all the services using tRPC.
  • SMTP is an Internet standard for email transmission. We use SMTP to send emails to customers and agents.
  • PeerJS simplifies WebRTC peer-to-peer data, video, and audio calls. We use PeerJS to establish a WebRTC connection between the customer and the agent.

Contact us

Meet our sales team for any commercial inquiries.

Book us with

Bugs and Feature Requests

For bugs or feature requests, please create an issue here. For questions, please see the Discussions section.

Known Issues

  • When running Goodtok without a TLS certificate, you must add the following to your browser to allow the camera to work: chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure or equivalent for your browser, because the camera will not work on an insecure origin.


For contributing, please see the following links:

Pedro Sanders
Obruche Wilfred Oghenechohwo



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.