Joost de Folter
Joost de Folter
It seems even for relatively small training sets, model (e.g. DecisionTreeClassifier, RandomForestClassifier) training is fast, but using permutation_importance on the trained models is incredibly slow. (Currently using model.feature_importances_ as alternative)
Hi @JacksonMaxfield thanks for following up so soon. I've installed the latest dev version as you suggested. Using this, reader.shape works correctly (e.g.: (71606, 85372, 3)) lazy = imread_dask(filename) also...
@JacksonMaxfield thank you for elaborating. To enable performant loading of slides, of course it's essential to be able to load slides in parts, like openslide, tifffile etc support. We're interested...
Ah ok that clarifies some things - but at the same time I'm confused - the reason I got here is stumbling on this: as this interestingly implied it...
Hi @sbesson thank you for the info. Interestingly the svs files from this data-set do have OME XML meta-data. But I admit I don't know the history and precise differences...
Hi @JacksonMaxfield Thanks for giving this more thought. Accessing the svs files with TiffReader is easy and doesn't require meta data other than provided by TiffReader, including the essential tags...
Hi @joshmoore I didn't realise it's possible to open a Zarr by URL and after updating packages (in particular the obscure 'aiohttp') this is working fine. It may be nice...
@joshmoore yes exactly. By the way thank you also for making me aware of this page including up-to-date v0.4 samples - this is really nicely done!
Issue is still present when using pip install - will this make it into release?
With all due respect, downgrading is a work-around, not a solution - and certainly not long term. Dear OpenCV team, assuming this issue is related to the python OpenCV package,...