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Dedicated to the most easy use of mysql in golang

golang mysql orm Go Report Card GoDoc GitHub release

A golang orm package dedicated to simplify developing with mysql database.

Base on go-sql-driver/mysql.

Completed Features:

  • support golang 1.18 generics
  • try to avoid using raw strings.
  • create mysql table from golang struct
  • create golang struct from mysql table
  • update query, insert query, delete query
  • support transaction
  • select (update | insert) with subquery
  • join (left join | right join) table
  • select with window function (rank())
  • select with common table expression (cte)

Get Started

 go get -u github.com/folospace/go-mysql-orm
import (
    _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

//connect mysql db
var db, _ = sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@tcp(")

//user table model
var UserTable = orm.NewQuery(User{}, db)

type User struct {
    Id   int    `json:"id"`
    Name string `json:"name"`

//Table interface: implements two methods below 
func (User) TableName() string {
    return "user"
func (User) DatabaseName() string {
    return "mydb"

migration (create table from struct | create struct from table)

func main() {
    orm.CreateTableFromStruct(UserTable) //create db table, add new columns if table already exist.
    orm.CreateStructFromTable(UserTable) //create struct fields in code

select query usage

    //get first user (name='join') as struct
    user, query := UserTable.Where("name", "john").Get()
    //replace raw string "name" to &T.Name (avoid misspelling and rename consequence)
    user, query := UserTable.Where(&UserTable.T.Name, "john").Get()
    //get user where primary id = 1
    user, query = UserTable.Get(1)
    //get users as slice of struct by primary ids
    users, query = UserTable.Gets(1, 2, 3)
    //get user first row as map[string]interface
    row, query := UserTable.GetRow()
    //it's useful when table struct not defined
    row, query := orm.NewQueryRaw(db, "user").GetRow()

    //get user rows as []map[string]interface
    rows, query := UserTable.Limit(5).GetRows()
    //get users count(*)
    count, query := UserTable.GetCount()
    //get users map key by id
    var usersKeyById map[int]User
    //get user names map key by id
    var userNameKeyById map[int]string
    UserTable.Select(&UserTable.T.Id, &UserTable.T.Name).GetTo(&userNameKeyById)
    //get users map key by name
    //useful when find has-many relations
    var usersMapkeyByName map[string][]User
    UserTable.Select(&UserTable.T.Name, UserTable.AllCols()).GetTo(&usersMapkeyByName)
    //simplify window function
    //select orders (where user_id=1) with rank by order_amount
    OrderTable.Where(&OrderTable.T.UserId, 1).
    SelectRank(&OrderTable.T.OrderAmount, "order_amount_rank").GetRows()
    //simplify with recursive cte
    //select recursive to find children ...
    FileFolderTable.Where("id", 1).WithChildrenOnColumn("pid").GetRows()
    //select recursive to find parents ...
    FileFolderTable.Where("id", 9).WithParentsOnColumn("pid").GetRows()

update | delete | insert

    //update user set name="hello" where id=1
    UserTable.Where(&UserTable.T.Id, 1).Update(&UserTable.T.Name, "hello")
    //query delete
    UserTable.Delete(1, 2, 3)
    //query insert
    _ = UserTable.Insert(User{Name: "han"}).LastInsertId //insert one row and get id

join and where

    //query join 
    UserTable.Join(OrderTable.T, func (query orm.Query[User]) orm.Query[User] {
            return query.Where(&UserTable.T.Id, &OrderTable.T.UserId)
    }).Where(&OrderTable.T.OrderAmount, 100).Select(UserTable.AllCols()).Gets()


    _ = UserTable.Transaction(func (tx *sql.Tx) error {
        newId := UserTable.UseTx(tx).Insert(User{Name: "john"}).LastInsertId //insert
        return errors.New("I want rollback") //rollback


    subquery := UserTable.Where(&UserTable.T.Id, 1).SubQuery()
    //where in suquery
    UserTable.Where(&UserTable.T.Id, orm.WhereIn, subquery).Gets()
    //insert subquery
    UserTable.InsertSubquery(subquery, nil)
    //join subquery
    UserTable.Join(subquery, func (query orm.Query[User]) orm.Query[User] {
        return query.Where(&UserTable.T.Id, orm.Raw("sub.id"))

Relation (has many | belongs to)

    users, _ := UserTable.Limit(5).Gets()
    var userIds []int
    for _, v := range users {
        userIds = append(userIds, v.Id)
    //each user has many orders
    var userOrders map[int][]Order
    OrderTable.Where(&OrderTable.UserId, orm.WhereIn, userIds).
        Select(&OrderTable.UserId, OrderTable.AllCols()).
    //set user has orders
    for k := range users {
        users[k].Orders = userOrders[users[k].Id]

about migration

  • use json tag by default
  • orm tag will override json tag
  • default: column default value
  • comment: column comment
  • first column auto mark as primary key
  • created_at, updated_at: predefined columns
    type User struct {
        Id int `json:"id"`
        Email string `json:"email" orm:"email,varchar(64),null,unique,index_email_and_score" comment:"user email"`
        Score int `json:"score" orm:"score,index,index_email_and_score" comment:"user score"`
        Name string `json:"name" default:"john" comment:"user name"`
        CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
        UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
//create table IF NOT EXISTS `user` (
//`id` int not null auto_increment,
//`email` varchar(64) null comment 'user email',
//`score` int not null default '0' comment 'user score',
//`name` varchar(255) not null default 'john' comment 'user name',
//`created_at` timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
//`updated_at` timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
//primary key (`id`),
//unique key `email` (`email`),
//key `score` (`score`),
//key `index_email_and_score` (`email`,`score`)

Test in go playground


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