suunto-ambit-intervals copied to clipboard
Application to generate Suunto Ambit Apps for interval training
I don't know if you still maintain this (excellent) app - I cannot believe there isn't an official interval planner like this! - but despite all my settings being in...
Hi, thanks for this app, I use it from time to time and it's perfect for me. Unfortunately the domain has expired... maybe you could get rid of the...
I work for a small startup which uses AI to produce personalised running plans ( ) We put together a quick Garmin app to allow downloading customised workouts, and would...
Hi, While I try to save Duration app movescount talk to me "RESULT MUST BE THE OUTPUT VARIABLE." What am I doing wrong? Also user 'Stamatis' talk: Hi there I've...
Need to mention the new structured workouts for Ambit 3 in app, as well as simplify the "how" section. Check if the user really needs to add the own...