laravel-image-legacy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
laravel-image-legacy copied to clipboard

Image manipulation library for Laravel 4 and 5 based on Imagine ( and inspired by Croppa for easy url based manipulation (with caching)

Results 23 laravel-image-legacy issues
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update folklore/image replace app to container in File ImageManager because laravel 8 remove $app Manager $app Property Likelihood Of Impact: Low The previously deprecated $app property of the Illuminate\Support\Manager class...

I tried to use this libary but always return with the following error. ``` FileMissingException in ImageManager.php line 151: Image file missing` ``` I know, I need to use with...

Hi, just wondering if you plan to extend this plugin, to be compatible with Laravel 6 ? Thanks in advance,

``` In ImageServiceProvider.php line 42: Call to undefined method Intervention\Image\ImageManager::pattern() ``` Laravel 5.7, when running `composer update`

I have test and this work. The major problem is that Laravel 5.8 requires a php version higher than 7.1, so impossible to roolback in the tests I think the...

Please change dependencies on laravel 5.7.*

Not sure how it should be done correctly since orchestra added return type hint in 3.8 and also Laravel requires php7.1+ Probably should be released as separate version(0.4.*) with breaking...

I would like to save image in a directory from public folder in laravel 5.6. So, I used the code as documentation did like below. ``` $orginal_path = $request->file->store( 'cropped',...