trouble.nvim copied to clipboard
:bd closes who neovim if Trouble window is toggled
i dont know if this is a bug or just the right behavior. if at some point the trouble window is open and i want to close the current buffer :bd
just closes the whole neovim process. i recorded a screencast with the behavior.
I can't reproduce this?
should i provide my init.lua?
else i have no idea how i should debug it.
i disabled now every plugin except
- neovim/nvim-lspconfig
- williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer
- mfussenegger/nvim-lint
- folke/trouble.nvim
it still closes vim with :bd
if trouble window is open
i checked it with only quickfix open... it works as expected. only with the trouble window bd closes neovim itself.
I see you have auto close enabled. Might be a bug with that. Will check once I'm home
i have some new discoveries:
as expected (this is in barbar.nvim) -
works and closes all buffers instead of the one you are on
i also googled around and found this thread:
it describes :bd
:bd This will delete a buffer, and in doing so, it will close any window that is currently displaying that buffer. But if you run it when you only have one window open, then Vim will not quit, and instead, one of your hidden buffers will be displayed. If you don't have any other buffers open, then a new, empty buffer will be displayed.
and i thought maybe thats the problem. because the buffer is visible on all windows. just some ideas :) do you close your buffers with :bd
FWIW I don't use :bd :bw to close buffers, 'cause it messes up my window layout, so I instead use vim-bbye to close buffers and keep my current window layout. It introduces :Bdelete and :Bwipeout , so you can map them
There are other alternatives (written in lua btw) but I just can't recall them atm.
Hope it helps
FWIW I don't use :bd :bw to close buffers, 'cause it messes up my window layout, so I instead use vim-bbye to close buffers and keep my current window layout. It introduces :Bdelete and :Bwipeout , so you can map them
There are other alternatives (written in lua btw) but I just can't recall them atm.
Hope it helps
thanks alot. that what im doing right now. im using barbar with that functionality.
I have the same issue, as soon as the trouble window is toggled, :bd
closes all my open buffers.
I do not have auto_close on.
i have the same issure here. i can reproduce it, so if you need more info let me know.
any update on this? attached you can find the verbose (level 20) log.
execution is tracked from line:
1328 Executing: bd
if i do :TroubleClose
and then :bd
, vim stays open. the issue seems to be related to Trouble plugin.
my Trouble configuration is:
require("trouble").setup {
icons = false,
auto_open = true,
position = "right",
mode = "document_diagnostics", -- "workspace_diagnostics", "", "quickfix", "lsp_references", "loclist"
changing mode
and auto_open
does not solve the issue, so it might not be something lsp related.
the problem appears to be that :bd
closes the window. same thing appen if you :vsplit
and then :bd
i don't think it's a plugin problem then.
showing the diagnostic messages in a floating window might be a workaround, but not sure that's an optimal solution / worth investigating.
I seem to have this issue too and it ONLY happens when I have the trouble window open. closing a buffer with :bd under any other circumstances seems to work fine and Neovim stays alive, but if I have the trouble window open, it quits. I can't seem to figure out why. I really like this plugin and don't want to get rid of it, but might have to if i can find a solution. Has anyone else run into this and come up with a solution that works?
btw, my full neovim setup:
I forgot an important fact.
So I've got trouble set up to where it automatically goes back to the previous buffer when it's toggled open because I have mappings to navigate prev/next and rarely need to be focused in the Trouble window itself, so when I'm doing :bd
it's not when Im in the Trouble buffer, always from a file buffer.
Side note: I undid that auto :bp
behavior as a test and when I manually move back into the file buffer, I get the same behavior (:bd
will result in neovim exiting), but if Trouble wasn't open, just that buffer closes, which is the expected behavior even when Trouble is open.
Did anyone find a solution to this?
had this issue but moved on. i solved it with some custom code that does more or less the same thing - or at least, does what i need.
this is what i did, just in case this could help someone.
i have this in my init.lua
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
-- custom toggle
buf_set_keymap('n', ',b', '<cmd>lua toggle_lsp_quicklist()<CR>', opts)
-- default enable lsp quickfix list
vim.g['custom#lsp_show'] = true
function toggle_lsp_quicklist()
vim.g['custom#lsp_show'] = not vim.g['custom#lsp_show']
if vim.g['custom#lsp_show'] then
vim.cmd([[wincmd p]])
-- Enable diagnostics
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
virtual_text = true,
underline = true,
signs = true,
update_in_insert = false,
-- Send diagnostics to quickfix list
local method = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
local default_handler = vim.lsp.handlers[method]
vim.lsp.handlers[method] = function(err, method, result, client_id, bufnr, config)
default_handler(err, method, result, client_id, bufnr, config)
local diagnostics = vim.diagnostic.get()
local qflist = {}
for bufnr, diagnostic in pairs(diagnostics) do
for _, d in ipairs(diagnostic) do
d.bufnr = bufnr
d.lnum = d.range.start.line + 1
d.col = d.range.start.character + 1
d.text = d.message
table.insert(qflist, d)
if vim.g['custom#lsp_show'] then
vim.cmd([[wincmd p]])
-- Use a loop to conveniently call 'setup' on multiple servers and
-- map buffer local keybindings when the language server attaches
local servers = { 'pyright', 'tsserver', 'cssls', 'jsonls', 'bashls', 'yamlls', 'solargraph', 'svelte', 'gopls', 'zls', 'ocamllsp', 'nimls', "serve_d" }
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
on_attach = on_attach,
flags = {
debounce_text_changes = 150,
This is such a weird issue 🤔
My setup is very simple:
config = function()
icons = false,
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>xx', function() require('trouble').open() end)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>xw', function() require('trouble').open('workspace_diagnostics') end)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>xd', function() require('trouble').open('document_diagnostics') end)
And this only happen with trouble.nvim
as far as I can tell. It doesn't happen for me with :vsplit
, as @francescop suggested.
In case it helps, this is my config:
I have the same issue... I thought vim was crashing, but now I get that this is what happens to me. Any workaround?
Development on the main branch is EOL.
Trouble has been rewritten and will be merged in main soon.
This issue/feature either no longer exists or has been implemented on dev.
For more info, see