ribbon copied to clipboard
Missing residues
Some residues at the beginning and at the end of the chains are missing in the mesh.
If you compare a cartoon mesh from pymol/VMD/avogadro... and the mesh created by ribbon.go, you can see that some parts are missing.
For example :
Beginning of the chain:
End of the chain
Good catch!
I pulled up the code and look what I found: https://github.com/fogleman/ribbon/blob/master/ribbon/ribbon.go#L286
I can look into it.
What are you doing with the code? I'm excited to see someone else using it!
:D I am working on UnityMol (https://twitter.com/n3zix & https://twitter.com/unitymol). At the beggining I was looking for some open source code that I could use in that project to create cartoon meshes. It turns out there are a lot of open code in javascript but usually messy / hard to understand & maintain. Your cartoons are polished and the code is understandable so I am translating your code to C# to integrate it in Unity if you are ok with it. Next step might be to speed things up to compute meshes efficiently.
Thank you for taking a look !