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NameError: name 'GL_FOG' is not defined
When I run main.py I get this error. What should I do?
me too
me too
me too...
I got the same error, I resolved by installing PyOpenGL
pip install PyOpenGL
And later imported these two statements
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
Import and NameError are resolved but now I'm getting another error
raise GLException('(0x%x): %s' % (error, msg))
pyglet.gl.lib.GLException: (0x500): Invalid enum. An unacceptable value is specified for an enumerated argument.
I got the same error, I resolved by installing PyOpenGL
pip install PyOpenGL
And later imported these two statements
from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import *
Import and NameError are resolved but now I'm getting another error
raise GLException('(0x%x): %s' % (error, msg)) pyglet.gl.lib.GLException: (0x500): Invalid enum. An unacceptable value is specified for an enumerated argument.
I've downgraded to pyglet==1.5.27
, and it's working! No need to install PyOpenGL
I got the same error, I resolved by installing PyOpenGL
pip install PyOpenGL
And later imported these two statements
from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import *
Import and NameError are resolved but now I'm getting another error
raise GLException('(0x%x): %s' % (error, msg)) pyglet.gl.lib.GLException: (0x500): Invalid enum. An unacceptable value is specified for an enumerated argument.
I've downgraded to
, and it's working! No need to install PyOpenGL
Thank you for posting your solution! Your steps worked for me.
For others downgrading pyglet, you can do so by running pip install pyglet==1.5.27
i guess git pull the pyglet version in the how to run in the README.md add ' pip install pyglet==1.5.27 '
Me too. I move it to my new laptop,but it got this error… What can I do?
[Running] python -u "e:\Minecraft-master\main.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "e:\Minecraft-master\main.py", line 902, in <module>
File "e:\Minecraft-master\main.py", line 897, in main
File "e:\Minecraft-master\main.py", line 890, in setup
File "e:\Minecraft-master\main.py", line 861, in setup_fog
NameError: name 'GL_FOG' is not defined
[Done] exited with code=1 in 0.776 seconds