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Jollyday Pojos using only regular plain old java objects for configuration
Hi, I plan to use jollydays in a quarkus graalvm microservice projects where i try to keep additional dependencies especially regarding jackson/jaxb etc, to a minimum.
Therefore I made a jollyday implementation that only uses plain old java objects for configuration. I know that this means that a change/reconfiguration of the holiday data is no longer possible but in the past years I've been using it I never needed that flexibility since the holiday definitions are rather global and consistent.
Disclaimer: At the moment the POJOs are generated based on the xml files inside a pseudo test class "JavaGeneratorTest" that takes the JacksonConfiguration Classes and creates the POJOs SourceCode using ugly String Writer logic. Not my proudest part of java code, but it works is only needed in case the configuration changes and needs to be recreated.
Hey @gandulf, thanks for your PR and the idea to reduce the dependencies and write the holidays into POJOs. I had not the time in the last week to think deeper about this.
Some thoughts are:
- We need one source of truth for the holidays
- It should create the POJOs on compile time
- We remove the possibility, for this module, to override the xml files with custom holidays e.g.
- We need to unify the tests (We also need to do that with jackson and jaxb)
- ...
Hey, also quite busy so sorry for the delay :-)
- The single source of truth should be the xml files, I agreee. That's why I'm generating the POJOs from them, they are also easier to read/edit/understand.
- Also true, I haven't looked into the pregeneration of source files, I know its possible since MapStruct e.g does it, not sure how complicated and what limitations there are.
- Editing of the holidays via xml is no longer possible that's one of the drawbacks of this solution, to mitigate this a bit the POJOs could provide functionality to at least modifiy/add configurations in Java.
- Ahh testing, the most important and most overlooked issue, yes would be nice to unify them.
I'll look into the code generation stuff as soon as there is some spare time...
I replaced the manual code generation with a proper maven plugin generator that creates the necessary holiday config files during/before compilation automatically and puts them into /target/generated_sources that way they no longer need to be versioned by git and are always uptodate with the xml files.
I also added a test case that adds an additional holiday to the existing ones in the PojoConfigurationService to prove that it is still possible to add,replace holiday configuration if necessary. It's not as convenient as with the xml files but still possible.
I wanted to take a deeper look.
- I rebased your branch against the actual main
- Deleted the "deploy to local repo" commits. I think you can just use the install phase.
- squashed some commits with the same message